Well, that certainly wasn’t the reaction he was expecting. Eira seemed quick to verbally attack him, speaking about how she could ‘turn him to ash’ if she really wanted to, which did cause the edges of his mouth to lift slightly with amusement. As if anyone could burn him, let alone to a crisp.The humor was exceedingly brief and short-lived however under the oppressive air of distrust and judgement, and in the end Drake was feeling more anxious than anything. Aran had done a great job to conceal his hatred both in his voice and mind, but alas, emotions displayed through a person’s energy aura were much harder to conceal. Aran’s hatred showed through his energy in ripples, which Drake’s powers allowed him to see, causing the boy’s uneasiness to spike even higher than before. He watched the two walk away and stood there nervously analyzing what just went down. He had been offered food - That was a plus. The food was free - That was, well… sketchy. The girl was mad at him - Was it something he said? Food was limited out here - So why would they offer theirs all willy nilly like that? Eira seemed to have a few screws loose - An important fact to consider among everything else. Eira had mentioned the food could possibly be diseased - Mostly irrelevant, unless one considers the context. Everyone here was still a stranger, and he had come to them weak and vulnerable and desperate for food. With him in such a bad condition, it would be easy to poison the food and kill him off, just like that. Maybe even blame it on a diseased rat, and then raid him of what little he had. Surely his necklace was worth a pretty penny at a trading settlement, right? Perhaps not as much as it meant to him, but it wasn’t like people out here cared much for sentiment when it came to survival of the fittest. And even if he did make it through dinner time, who was to say one of them wouldn’t kill him in his sleep? The odds were stacking up against him here, and he didn’t like it. Not to mention Eira’s assumptions about him had been rather rude and very hypocritical. Implying that only [i]she[/i] was being cautious when, in fact, [i]he[/i] was a giant ball of caution, unwilling to trust anyone he just met without some proof of good intention. That, and he just hated being told how to act by a complete stranger. And now here he was, faced with a choice. Risk it with the food and bitter hospitality of strangers only to likely get himself killed, or hoof it now and hope he can find food in the next few days. One seemed far less reliant on other people and was therefore far more appealing to someone like Drake who had been alone for most of his travels. He gave a side-glance toward Dawn, the only one who had spoken to him kindly and did not show any differing feelings in her aura. Perhaps it would be best to speak to her and let her tell the others of his departure. [color=#A2A2A2]“I shouldn’t have bothered all of you, this was a terrible idea. I shouldn’t go mooching off your supplies. Honestly, I was only trying to find out more about this settlement you were all talking about.”[/color] He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit torn. [color=#A2A2A2]“I should go.”[/color] His polite retreat betrayed his thoughts which were relayed to Dawn regardless of his wishes. /I don’t feel safe here. They might try to kill me and I’m not in the right shape to defend myself right now. Not by myself./ Drake was a bit of a survivalist in that sense, preferring to avoid conflict wherever possible. As he turned, a dizzying spell overtook the boy for a moment, causing him to pause and blink his eyes a few times to shoo it away. It was likely his lack of nutrition was starting to affect him physically at this point, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. Or so he hoped. [color=#A2A2A2]“Dawn, right?”[/color] he spoke, hesitating, [color=#A2A2A2]“Just… Be careful.”[/color] Seeing how she was the only one who had stuck around and remained genuine and consistent, he felt it was only right to wish her well. Even if he did hate her mind-reading abilities. His silver eyes trailed back to the building where the other two had gone, reluctant to leave the offer of food behind. There was still a chance, of course, that they wouldn’t try to kill him, but… He just couldn’t risk it in the condition he was in. His odds certainly weren’t much better out in the ash, but they seemed to be the better alternative in his mind, at the very least.