[quote=@Caits] [i]squirms[/i] So... I have been trying to post. And... Well, I need to do it in splurts. I need to respond to Techno... and some other things... in one post.... and then in another... there will be a time skip of only a few hours so its like "later that same day".... to then finally get this arch moving... so i do kinda need the guild masters [@Zarkun] and [@lugubrious] To... be present for that one as the arch I did hope would involve all three guilds... Do you guys have any objection to that? I'll get the first post out shorty, but the second post depending on some things might be a bit longer... given that I haven't started either, and I lost everything that was in preparation for this arch... [/quote] It's no issue, but trains aren't instantaneous transportation.