(I have no idea whatsoever why I kept calling Larel Alari last time..... I looked at it and I was like wtf did I do XD) "Like I said, regardless of your strange distrust of Alari, the least you can do is remember this is Mera we're talking about," Hotaru pointed out, "It would help you not worry so much," she said, smirking a little. She set the food near where he was making the tea, "There you go, I don't have any spices so it's kind of simple, but it's wholesome enough," she said. Mera looked at him hearing him say that. It was like he'd read her mind, though she was trying not to try and assume it was exactly what she wanted to know. She nodded, "Alright," she murmured as she walked with him back to the hotel. She took a deep breath, looking around as they walked. She was feeling a little more centered at the moment, a little calmer than she had been of late, but this tattoo made it impossible to not worry about Mary. She knew her sister had seemed very upset after that whole affair, though she was a little surprised by the intensity of it.