Lightly, the silvery haired youth leapt from tree to tree, his dark form shooting across the even darker forest around him. Aion's feet made no noise as he leapt and bounded from tree to tree, the years of training helping the Assassin accomplish such a feat. If one was to spot this dark blur, they would have but mere seconds before he was gone again, blending in with the darkness that blanketed the forest. He preferred the company of darkness to that of light. Darkness was his friend, and the only one that the male felt he needed. The way that he moved, was unnatural. Almost too graceful, too well timed. He would be lying if he told anyone that his skills were ordinary for an assassin. Having been trained for years, he was almost too good at his job. Not much was a challenge for him anymore. The Jobs came and gone..but the excitement had faded. As he stopped at the edge of the clearing, his yellow eyes glinted in the light given off by the tavern. He was hidden among the leaves and branches of the tree he stood in, his hair and eyes the only distinguishable feature of his lithe form. As he lightly placed a hand on the tree trunk beside him, the youth's demonic arm flexed and relaxed once. He could hear others nearby. Some seemed to be just now approaching, whilst others were already inside. His mind raced with thoughts, but the one question that stood tall amongst the chaos within his head was a simple one. [i]'Where did they come from?'[/i]