Viktor had been many places, but this one he did not recognize. As he approached the tavern, he saw many different people, some not even people like that brightly colored pixelated butterfly or that scarecrow. He dismissed this however and continued to approach the tavern. [hr] [@The1Rolling1Boy] Arin saw a what appeared to be a butterfly fluttering over the counter top wondering if everything was alright. "Well, I don't know about everybody else, but I'm confused on where we are except for the obvious." He told her though he didn't really answer her question. [hr] Price would've gone into the tavern too, but was still hesitant about it. While some thankfully weren't human, he was pretty sure there was at least a few humans among them. However, he decided to get a bit closer but not too much. [hr] Juno knew what his friend was worried about even if Price didn't show it. However, he had been wondering if there was anyone for him. Enough of that, though. [i]So, you wanna explore the tavern or go beyond it?[/i] He said to Price telepathically. [hr] [@The1Rolling1Boy] Joey decided go inside, but of course two(Agate and Fife) were blocking the doorway. He didn't complain though and just waited for them to move.