[hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ff00]Jack Hudson[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/fc919d328046efa51637b4919940e914/tumblr_inline_nuo4kow2ON1qlt39u_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=00ff00]Location[/color][/b]: Building F (The Newnans' House)[/center][hr][hr] Jack tore himself away from the window, tapping his fingers absentmindedly against his leg. In some ways, the entire situation reminded him of his days with the police. Vigilantes were incredibly rare, but he had heard stories about encountering them from other officers, mostly those who worked homicides. They had the best of intentions, but that didn't excuse them from the law. And neither should James be excused. The moment anyone was above the law in Newnan, the town would fall apart. He was grimacing as he left the bedroom, a piece of glass crunching underneath his boot in the kitchen. He had almost entirely forgotten about the shattered glass, while somehow simultaneously remembering Tatiana's injury. His mind was focused and scatterbrained, all at once. And while he knew Tatiana didn't [i]want[/i] him to bend over backwards for her, she wasn't here to stop him from doing it. Stepping over the rest of the glass, Jack grabbed a broom and dustbin, working on sweeping up the glass on the floor. There was something strangely musical about the soft noise of glass sliding across the floor. It brought an odd smile to his face, enjoying something that was so [i]normal.[/i] Most people alive in the world today, he figured, didn't have time to be worried about a little glass on the floor. Hell, the first day he was in Newnan, his hand had been cut and bleeding because of glass. It didn't take too long until the glass had been swept up, but there was still little bits of blood on the floor. While he was tempted to just clean it up with water, he knew there were more sanitary options--options that would keep the house safer and cleaner for Tatiana and their baby. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=#23D5B7]Beatrice Decker[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/e5d5fcaf9fbbd5644bd6848807e79e4c/tumblr_mus6alGv8a1rhs5nco4_r1_250.gif[/img][hr][color=#23D5B7][b]Location[/b][/color]: Franklin Addition Building C3 (Beatrice's Apartment)[/center][hr][hr] Beatrice watched Riley pull Amelia into the hug, but she didn't process the scene in front of her. All she focused on were Riley's words, her news that James was not dead. He was simply going to be exiled, a belated death sentence in itself. The smallest frown, hardly noticeable, formed on her face. The laws in Newnan demanded execution. Ashton should have put the bullet in James' brain. Instead, he had decided to let the walkers do it for him. She wasn't certain as to whether or not to find that merciful. She returned Riley's nod, a bit surprised that the woman wasn't shouting at her. She never got along too well with the Ridgeway Twins, despite only disliking the ginger sister. And despite Riley saying they should all head to the Mess Hall, Beatrice got the sense she wasn't included in the invitation. It didn't bother her too much. The three of them weren't friends. She stayed relatively silent as Meghna came, asking for Amelia to help spread the news after breakfast. Amelia's reply was quiet, but Beatrice hadn't expected anything else. The girl seemed painfully shy. Once Riley and Amelia had left, after another nauseating kiss, Beatrice shut the door and took a moment to herself. She had been correct, it seemed, in the invitation not applying to her after all. She wasn't about to leave Newnan just because James had been exiled. Everything she had done had been in order to survive--leaving Newnan, at least at this moment, wouldn't help that. Unless someone else was murdered, she'd stay. Biting her lip slightly, Beatrice glanced around the room, before going through her belongings until she found her compass. There was an hour until James would leave Newnan. She didn't want to give him something useless, something that would only slow him down. Sentiment wasn't worth much these days, even as it drove her actions. A compass, however, she figured could be worthwhile. And if he didn't want it, it'd be no skin off her back. She wasn't certain how much use for it he would have. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=ff6600]Chloe Ridgeway[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/24549866ed143be11dbfc570a7ff8e12/tumblr_inline_nl7kc4WNy21rpdlxb.gif[/img][/center][hr][center][b][color=ff6600]Location[/color][/b]: Building 2 (Mess Hall)[/center][hr][hr] [color=ff6600]"I'm fine,"[/color] Chloe replied, squeezing Riley's hand a bit, though the tone of her voice was stiff. Amelia's sad smile towards her made Chloe feel slightly uncomfortable, purely because she hardly knew her. Smiles could show several different emotions, and Chloe didn't want Amelia to pity her. There was no reason for her to pity her, she reassured herself, but she couldn't help but feel a bit raw and insecure all the same. Amelia was just sad because everyone was sad. [color=ff6600]"Kris's over there,"[/color] Chloe pointed out, nodding towards the young woman. She saw Niesha head out of the Mess Hall, likely towards the infirmary. She sighed slightly, already feeling frustrated with work later that day. Froggy wouldn't let her in the infirmary without his consent, making her work situation feel ridiculous, awkward, and awful all at once. It was like her past failures were thrown in her face each time she reported for duty. [color=ff6600]"Let's go sit with her,"[/color] Chloe added. She normally ate with Kris, after all. It was just like high school--regular lunch buddies. Of course, they didn't talk outside of lunch all too much. In many ways, their relationship felt artificial, existing purely because of Kris' closeness with Riley. Chloe fixed herself a plate of food, chuckling slightly to herself as she glanced down at the tray. She turned her head to tell Ryan about a slight memory that had surfaced, one of the few successful murders she could remember from minimum security, but he wasn't there. She let out a slight sigh. Telling that story to anyone else in Newnan, she was certain, would only serve to reinforce the idea of who she was that they created, the idea that Chloe wanted to distance herself from if possible. She then took her tray over to Kristina's table and took a seat. [color=ff6600]"You alright, kiddo?"[/color] Chloe asked, knowing that Kris and James had been close. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Ravi Chakrabarti[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/f955c18e469843105dea0353ca9e8463/tumblr_inline_o9rxefr8wy1txmes7_250.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Northern Parking Lot of Building 4 (Repair Shop)[/center][hr][hr] While Ravi did feel frustrated with Gavin's answer, he was satisfied at the same time. At least the man wasn't blindly attempting to rekindle a relationship with Commander Martin, with Gavin having admitted that he had no idea how she felt and that she wasn't one to show emotions. The impending tragedy of emotional pain didn't seem so dire, now that he was assured that Gavin wasn't being naive. But at the same time, Ravi doubted that Commander Martin would ever need his protection. He might have been a sexy British doctor, but he didn't have any sort of qualifications for protecting a high ranking officer of the American military. The comment about Ravi just getting in the way smarted a bit, but Gavin was right. The only person Ravi had ever killed had been his best friend, Liv. He still hadn't been able to come to peace with that fact, even though she had been turned. There had been moments over the years when the opportunity had presented itself, for him to draw blood, but he never took it. The emotional cost had always been too high, with Major and Clive usually taking care of the threat. Yet he could never forgive himself if something happened to Gavin and he had made no effort to stop it. Gavin was right, after all. They were brothers. [color=00ccff]"Alright, mate,"[/color] Ravi said, keeping the British stiff upper lip, and not begging the man to change his mind. He nodded at Miss Sally and sighed a bit. Tea would make any situation better. But as he saw Gavin kiss Thana, his confidence in the man was shaken, just moments after Ravi felt certain that Gavin wouldn't make too much of a foul of himself. [color=00ccff]"A strong cuppa is probably in order,"[/color] Ravi said to Miss Sally. [color=00ccff]"Which way?"[/color] He was hoping, of course, that Miss Sally would be able to do something about Gavin's recklessness. If the man was so hellbent on taking down Peachtree City, Ravi figured that perhaps Newnan might want to aid him as well. If Ravi himself couldn't help the man, he at least wanted to find people that could.