[@Pundii][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@Witch Cat][@Nallore] So I'm going to be updating in the morning. I've just finished replies to RP's that I was holding up slightly and I just don't have the energy to write a Coventry post that'll do justice to everyone's characters. Since this mostly impacts Nal's counter, her counter will be given an extension of an extra day to compensate. So that way you all know why this is happening - I'm currently in the south, helping my uncle with his mother's estate. Her funeral was today and took up almost all of my time, and the burial is next week. I'll be here for two weeks. So far, things have been very hectic--we're taking this day by day, so it is possible that my time will free up...but this situation may continue for a bit. Thank you all for your patience. <3