[@Assallya] The Assassin's face was devoid of emotion as he looked at the blonde haired woman before him. His yellow eyes were on hers, and he lightly spoke to her, almost as if trying to assure her he meant no harm. However, his own actions might have seemed suspicious...and so he decided to hold his left arm up, pointing ahead of them. "Just up the road. I can see it now. I assure you that I mean no harm." A brief smile flitted across his face as he thought of the curse she had spoken to the night air, before his face was wiped of emotion once more. "I heard your curse and thought that you might need directions." In the light of the lantern, his white hair seemed to shine lightly, his dark clothing clinging to his frame. It was form fitting, but gave him room to move in combat. His demonic arm, while purple at the edges, was pitch black on the inside, and seemed to push away the light that neared it. His left leg, until his thigh, had several small spikes. His lower legs were also demonic...but, they were covered by his pants.