[b][color=lightblue]John[/color][/b] [hr] [b][color=red]KAAAA-BOOOOOOM[/color][/b] [i][color=lightblue]What the hell?[/color][/i] Apparently, a loud and disturbing sound erupted from the side of the tavern. The sound resembled that of a crashing vehicle of some kind, but it definitely wasn't a car. John unsheathed his trusty blade from what would be an inconspicuous poster tube and began to walk towards the crash site. He walked slowly and silently. At one point, he decided to turn on his flashlight, revealing the figures of a woman with immaculately perfect cleavage ([@Assallya]), a man with a flashy outfit and an inhuman arm ([@Ryouko]), and a [i]giant space robot[/i] ([@Dealdric]). The light of the flashlight would distract them, for it was a sudden diversion from the dark atmosphere. The three weird individuals would be expected to turn towards the young lad, who was still holding the sword in his hand. [color=lightblue]"Hey, you're all up for some diplomacy, right?"[/color]