The otherwise lighthearted mood gave Meesei's reasoning a jarring impact. While the others were rendered silent for a moment after she finished, none of them could deny the truth of her words. It was a reminder of just how tenuous their situation was, even if they were comfortably sharing a picnic in their clan's sanctuary home. Sabine's perturbed expression faltered into a determined nod. Her eyes wandered to and from Meesei's face. "You are right," she quietly declared. "I will find him tonight. I should make him dinner. And we can catch up." As opposed to her tone, Sabine was clearly nervous. She pinched at her piece of mammoth steak such that she was picking it apart, fibre by fibre. "Good luck, little Runt." Sabine stopped and turned her eyes up at Fendros. The only one who called Runt over the last decade and a half had been Lorag. A silent second passed between she and Fendros. Sabine straightened her back and took a deep breath in through her nose. Her breath released quickly through her mouth and she managed a smile to Meesei and Fendros. She perhaps needed the reminder. "Thank you," she said. Fendros returned the smile. "Now, I shouldn't drink too much before the lesson, but I think what you say justifies enjoying some wine, Meesei." He reached to the bottle between him and Ahnasha to open it. "If only we had some cups, we could call a toast. Although, passing the bottle around should suffice."