Meesei could read Sabine's reaction perfectly, so she could tell that her words had been just as alarming as they had been convincing. Even among the others, the uncomfortable silence was telling. Nevertheless, Meesei maintained a smile, and offered her bottle of ale to Sabine. "I do not mean to sour the mood, I just wish to make sure that none of us squander any opportunities in any ways we might regret. We may very well succeed against Vile, but if there is anything I have determined from the last few days, it is that, even at the best of times, life can be unpredictable. So, perhaps it is best just to embrace that chaos from time to time. We are certainly going to cause some chaos for Vile when we invade his realm." Once it was her turn, Ahnasha gladly accepted the wine before giving a chuckle. "Yeah, we're probably going to throw him completely off-guard. Daedra can be arrogant, Vile especially. He probably thinks us mortals to be too weak and afraid to do something so bold. That alone might give us a chance. He won't be prepared. Who knows, maybe we can convince Molag Bal to throw a whole Daedric army in with us? Maybe tell him that we heard Vile insult his horns, or...whatever Molab Bal has. And if we actually destroy Vile, even if it's just for a few centuries...well, we'd have to be the greatest heroes in Tamriel." "Hmm, I do not think I would go that far." Meesei grinned. "After all, the Nereverine alone killed at least two or three gods by himself. We would only have one to our names."