Gilda first examined Caitriona's foot, taking it firmly in her hands. She applied gentle pressure, nodding as the girl explained the possible issue. "That seems to be the case," she murmured before looking up, watching the girl as she mentioned what happened to her. Gilda's eyes narrowed when she caught that furtive glance towards the prince, and her hands stilled upon seeing the way she blushed after looking at him. Gilda stole a glance over her shoulder at Aleksander, who eyed Caitrona's foot with some concern. "It is indecent for a man to oggle such exposed skin," she snapped, her tone sharp. Aleksander startled and immediately straightened to attention; one would wonder who really ran the castle around here. "I wasn't," he stammered with an exasperated look. "I didn't. She--" "Never you mind. I'm sure there are other things in this castle that require your attention." Gilda managed a slight smile, genuine even if sparsely given. "Caitriona will be just fine with me and the others, I promise." Aleksander nodded slowly before casting Caitriona a reluctant look. "I must take my leave," he murmured to her, "but you are in good hands with Gilda. I'll... come for you soon, then we can catch up." He waited for her answer, hoping the lost girl reassured. "Aye," Gilda added impatiently. "Now go, go! This is no place for a man to be."