Luna looked over at Constance and sighed. Once more, the girl was trying to make herself seem more important, or powerful than she was. “Constance, do not lie. You were intimidated by her” She said, wearily. There wasn’t a hint of challenge in her voice, and Luna looked away, ahead. Edwards words playing around and around in her head, and despite the fact that she believed she was right in what she was doing, she couldn’t stop feeling like she had just been judged the most terrible person out there. She knew that wasn’t what Edward had meant, that he had just been trying to merely create a bridge… and knew that he got caught in their… bickering. She was sorry for that, but she didn’t know how to say it. She was prepared to let bygones be bygones, but it seemed that no matter what conclusion she came to, whenever she went to try and make an effort, before she could even do so, Constance had to be a bitch. Pass him off to her? How dare Constance. Luna’s hands curled into fists, and she stopped working, turning to the vile, selfish, condescending woman- although right than, Luna thought that was an insult to her gender. “And why would I want your leavings, Constance? I, unlike you, know what I want, and I go for it. You just pretend, pretend at being in power, pretend that you are the best. And I am not a dog to be fed your leavings, to be [i]dominated[/i] by you. No, if you haven’t learned by now, my bite is a lot worse than my bark. Do not ever presume to think that I want anything from you, in anyway” She shook her head, disappointed. And of course Constance would see it as pity. Not that right then, Luna cared. She started to walk again, quickening her pace, and pulling way from the others. Her breathing was hard, and she could feel her heart beating fast in her chest. She was absolutely furious, and she knew if she had continued talking she’d say something that she regret, and she didn’t want that. Yet Constance had pushed a deadly button with Luna. she drew in a breath and let it out through her clenched teeth. Evil, vile woman. She was beginning to think there was nothing worth saving in Constance, this woman who didn’t even think about those she had left behind in squalor. This woman who everything she did was aimed at making her position better, rather than helping others. The woman Luna very well could have become, if not for her father. Her father had saved her, when he had found her. He’d saved her, taken her in, given her food, and clothes, even when he didn’t have anything himself. Her father had shown her kindness, and love, and taught her to look out for others, simply because that was the way he was. Her father who had never given up on her, and given her a chance. Her father who she wouldn’t fail, wouldn’t dishonor him by acting the way she had. She turned back to the others, and said “I’m sorry Edward, Raymond, Juliette…. That was rude of me” For now, she didn’t address Constance. What would be the point? The woman would think she was lying, or that she had an ulterior motive. She trusted Raymond to translate her words to Juliette.