Wes looked over at Billy. "Did you contact this guy already?" Billy shook his head no. "I am Commander, Wes Collins you will be our Red Ranger." Billy tossed him his Cosmo Morpher and Cosmo Change Globe. Billy proceeded to show him what to do. At base Wes made the introductions to everyone. "We are a branch of an organization known as Time Force. We officially don't exist. Our Ranger powers don't officially exist. I may not always be available I have duties as the Quantum Ranger. Pointing to the Morpher embedded in his left cybernetic arm." Billy discovered the threat when his universe began to colonize another and eventually found it a charred ruin. Long story short, their only Ranger team was eventually sent to stop an attack by a still unnamed evil, only one came back his morpher destroyed and died a few hours later. His boss demanded he shut the machine down, a wise decision but one that Billy couldn't live with so he came here, another wise decision. He brokered a deal with the leader of Time Force General Logan. Billy would develop the strongest powers, our powers, and recruit from the multiverse the Rangers to use them. Logan's only condition was that I served as your leader." Billy directed everybody's attention to a giant viewscreen of [url=https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/1/11/Messiahreboot.png/revision/latest?cb=20160121022450]this[/url]. "This is the monster that killed the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers." Billy changed the viewscreen to two different pictures [url=https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/2/29/Indaver.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170204234416]this[/url] & [url=https://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/6/65/Tsuyoindaver.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170204234504]this[/url] "The one on the left is their foot soldier, the easiest ones. The one on the right we believe to be an upgraded version of their foot soldier. As Wes said we do not know who they are or what their goals are. The only thing we have seen so far is complete and total destruction." Billy turned their direction to the device that allows them travel to other universes. He began cycling through all the various destroyed Earths showing them every continent of every Earth. "As you can see they leave nothing standing." He switches to the Earth where the Lightspeed Rangers died. "This is the one where my Lightspeed Rangers died, from my studies they only attack Earth. Here is Mirinoi from the same universe." He switches to it, it was under attack by their enemy. [b]"Everyone go now!"[/b] Wes and Tom were the closest to Multiverse Transporter they morphed and ran through. Leo Corbett the Magna Defender was about to be destroyed when Wes shot his attacker in the head. Mike Corbett the Blue Ranger thanked the new Purple Ranger.