The elf girl still had her doubts about the demon touched youth. You simply couldn't trust someone who was influenced by the voice of Asmodeus, Beelzebub, or whoever it was that touched the boy's lineage. For all she knew that voice was whispering, "Kill her now before she tells everyone what you are". Wonderful girl. How do you get yourself into these things? She was considering what to say next when some brilliant light slapped her in the face. That hurt. Her pupils slammed shut and any and all ability to see anything in this dark forest fled her. Whatever it was, it wasn't a normal lantern. That was certain. It was more like the hooded, reflective lanterns adventurers carried to concentrate their light in one direction. After this she was so going to consult her books and find a spell that let her see at night and shut off the damn lantern which seemed to be attracting everyone and everything this side of the Sea of Falling Stars. She kept her long slender fingers near the crossbow, caressing the wood but making no motion to pick it up. "Who goes there?" she called out, unable to see past the accursed brilliance, "Who demands parley when words even have not been stung?"