[centre] [b][h1][color=DarkOrange]Agron Wilson[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://i372.photobucket.com/albums/oo165/LainKahn/tumblr_n3u3ap4zav1twega3o1_500_zpse8aa6cd8.gif[/img] [color=DarkOrange][h3]-Son of Deathstroke-[/h3][/color] Interacting with: Neavia Udaku [@Vicier] and Barca Xavier [@Caits] [/centre] [hr][hr] [color=darkorange]"You never did learn how to play nicely with others."[/color] A lion's roar echoed throughout the courtyard. Kovu, the older lion that had wandered off, stepping in time with it's true owner. His large head, coming easily up to Agron's midsection, nuzzling the plated orange and blue armor that kept him safe for many missions across the country. Agron dropped his hand and ran his fingers through the rough main, scratching the large cat behind it's ear. Roaring out again, though at half the volume (and it being more than clear now that both cries were out of happiness), Kovu sat himself down on his massive haunches, and began to pur. But Agron's eyes were elsewhere - his sister was just a single touch away. By the Gods, how he had missed her! A slight smirk crossed over his face, though inside he was screaming. It had been [i]years[/i] since he had seen his little sister, though his time away made it feel like lifetimes. He was standing behind her, but even from there, he could tell that she was beautiful, just the way he remembered her. Just the way he left her before moving himself to New York to escape the condescending undertones his step-father would constantly give him - as though it were Agron's fault that he wasn't his son. Even with summer's spent with his real father, T'Challa had always made it clear to him that Agron didn't belong anywhere. Glancing over his half-sister's shoulder to the snobbish boy she had been talking with (and probably upsetting), Agron raised his eyebrows first, and then nodded his head towards the boys direction. [color=DarkOrange]"Hey. Don't even bother trying. I've got eighteen years of her life on you, kid. So take your losses where they stand and your ego can still be saved. I doubt either of us will remember you in ten minutes anyway to even talk about this later."[/color] Agron gave him a wink, and a pleasant smile, despite the circumstances. He was going to get hell for this - he knew that the moment he decided to come back from the "dead." He had to. When the war got tough, he needed to disappear or H.I.V.E would have ended him before he had a chance to get killed. Sure, he had a chance to come out of hiding after the contract had been signed with all of the supers, but to what end? There was nothing for him. Nothing, until he found out that his father would be a teacher at the new school. He knew then that he could help out - that he could be with his sister again - that he could show T'Challa that while he might not be his heir, that he could still amount to something... by any means necessary. Looking back to his sister, he gave her a warm smile, very different than the one he gave Barca. [color=darkorange]"So... how've you been?"[/color]