[@Weird Tales]; hey, hi... just your friendly Mythology buff ([s]obsessed nerd[/s]) here. What's my specialty you ask..? Greek Mythology..! How coincidental..! I will say now that through all of this interaction, I have been holding myself back... I have been stopping myself all day from saying anything because I know that once I'm let loose, I won't stop. I know my shit about this topic- this is [i]my[/i] territory; and I don't think that many people would like my rambling, but right now, I have to step in and point out the discrepancies that I have found coming out in this conversation... First of all; let's start with the two Titans that you have chosen as parents. Κριως Κρειος (Kreios/ Crius) and Ιαπετος (Iapetos/ Iapetus). Now, out of the two that you chose- you only got one of them right when it came to their domains. While Iapetus is the Titan God of morality, Crius is actually the Titan God of constellations. So before you go ahead, you should have probably looked into that a little bit more- did you know that they're brothers..? That they have two other brothers by the names of Koios and Hyperion..? And that Iapetus is actually one of the older of the four..? They helped Kronos in his ascent, and were known to represent the four cosmic pillars. It's actually quite the fascinating myth- not my favorite if I'm being truly candid, but still rather interesting. I've actually placed it in the hider just below if you want to give it a read over. [hider=The Four Brothers] KRIOS (Crius) was one of the elder Titanes (Titans), sons of Ouranos (Uranus, Sky) and Gaia (Gaea, Earth). Led by Kronos (Cronus), the brothers conspired against their father and prepared an ambush as he descended to lie with Earth. Krios, Koios (Coeus), Hyperion and Iapetos (Iapetus) were posted at the four corners of the world where they seized hold of the sky-god and held him firm, while Kronos, hidden in the centre, castrated him with a sickle. In this myth the four brothers probably represent the four cosmic pillars separating heaven and earth which are described in near-Eastern cosmogonies. Krios was likely the southern pillar, while his brothers Koios, Iapetos, and Hyperion were the pillars of the north, east and west respectively. Krios' connection with the south is found both in his name and family connections:-he is "the Ram," the constellation Aries, whose springtime rising in the south marked the start of the Greek year; his eldest son is Astraios (Astraeus), god of the stars; and his wife is Eurybia, a daughter of the sea. The Titanes (Titans) were eventually deposed by Zeus and cast into the pit of Tartaros (Tartarus). Hesiod describes this as a void located beneath the foundations of all, where earth, sea and sky have their roots. Here the Titanes shift in cosmological terms from being holders of heaven to bearers of the entire cosmos. According to Pindar and Aeschylus (in his lost play Prometheus Unbound) the Titanes were eventually released from the pit through the clemency of Zeus. [/hider] Now, onto the next issue- fan made stories [b]are not[/b] considered cannon... in like anything. And as such, I hate to say it, the Titans can't be used as parentage to your characters. The stories you speak of that feature these two in them are made by fans, they aren't made by the actual creators of the DC or the Marvel Universes, and as such, they are not characters that appear in them in any way, shape or form. So we cannot accept them. You are pushing into my territory; Percy Jackson. I actually have a roleplay for these types of characters, however, even in that, as a GM I do not accept Demi-Titans as they are far too overpowered, and completely throw the balance of the roleplay out of whack. What you have created are Gods- not children. Gods that happen to be apart of a pantheon that doesn't fit into the universes that this roleplay is centered around. This roleplay isn't based around Myth, it's based around Superheroes and Villains... please try and keep that in mind.