[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1DWx27B.png[/img][/center] After a short while Althea stepped back inside holding a cloth soaked in ice cold water. She handed Viola the the damp and very cold cloth and told her to [color=FFC1B3]“hold this to your bruise, ze cold should reduce the swelling”[/color] Her hands now free she channeled red magic through Canus Manus for a few moments in order to create a bottle with a candy red fluid inside that smelled slightly of cherries. This was also handed over to the wounded lass and the gauntlet returned to it's bangle state. [color=FFC1B3]“after about ten minutes with the cloth you should drink this, it should expedite ze natural healing process and you’ll be right as rain in a few hours”[/color] She had missed the girls explanation of what had happened to her and the company, she would need to ask someone about that later. Either the medical staff or her squad-mates. [color=FFC1B3]“Sorry that took so long, I had to find the well and then haul some water out of it.”[/color] She noted that Esther had been given a coat during her absence, which considering how chilly it was outside it was probably for the best she put it on. She was only a little bias in not thinking Tzi should also be wearing more. [color=FFC1B3]“And thank you for helping Esther dress herself, though she really has to learn to do it on her own at some point”[/color] She joked in a teasing tone at the the scantily clad noble girl's expense.