[b]Finch[/b] As expected his plan had worked out great, and Finch watched with some satisfaction as Magus tried to roll out of the way of further strikes only to encounter that particular problem of vehicle roofs. Specifically there was not much space to it, and he rapidly wound up in a situation where he was instead falling off the roof rather than riding on it. Which was good enough as far as Finch was concerned. Unfortunately it didn't work out quite so cleanly, with the guy grabbing on to the other side before going at the window. Finch moved to pull himself back into the vehicle just about when Magus shattered it, long enough of a delay that he could dive to the side when the fireball came through with only some singed hairs coming out of it. Not bad, if he did say so himself. "Make sure he's gone," Finch called to the driver, who would intensify his aggressive driving with close scrapes and lots of swerving, to gt rid of Magus if he wasn't gone already. He was getting tired of this, and the sooner it was done the better. [@Sedjwick]