Though the man before her had tried to stutter out some clarification to his words, they fell on deaf ears with Rakhana. Not literally; she was still perfectly able to catch the gist of the rambling (subsequently cut off during her quick manoeuvre), but no matter how sincere the man sounded, trust was too valuable a currency to spend so early in this encounter. Truth be told, even those she trusted most in her life were only given partial access to her trust, compartmentalised as it was. As her opponent raised his weapon to meet the wave of heat, he seemed to glow with a bright orange light, and took no more damage than perhaps a mild sunburn, by the looks of the slight flush on his neck. [i]Not an ordinary man, then...[/i] she thought, allowing a slight frown to mar her face. She had suspected he was no simple bystander, coincidentally following her to the otherwise deserted bridge, but it was always easier to confirm these things. And to note that he had some form of resistance to heat was a useful piece of information as well... though that had only been a warning shot. If she needed to push herself to her limit - or gods forbid, push herself into the mental no-man's land that was the Hyde complex - she suspected that he might not find himself so well protected. At the movement of Leo's arm and release of his blade, the near-invisible aura of heat surrounding Rakhana turned somewhat translucent as the intense heat started to generate a cloud of plasma, boosting its protective properties even further. As she spotted the spikes erupting from the earth at the point that it struck, she bounded backwards again, maintaining the safe distance between herself and the concrete spires and keeping her gun at the ready. Each move backwards to maintain the distances included a movement left or right, as she saw fit in that split-second, resulting in an unpredictable zig-zag pattern that would preclude any further attacks, but she didn't bother to try to camouflage her movements this time - better to save the full amount of her strength for the aura cocooning her. In her mind, the reaction of the elementalist (which is what he seemed to be, with his command of both fire and earth - it would be wise for Rakhana to assume he could wield other devastating powers until proven otherwise) cemented his guilt. This man was either the Fifth Apocalypse, or some sort of associate, and although she had been kept ignorant of the details of his crimes, Interpol did not assign these kind of contracts to individuals unless they were criminals of the most vile kind, the worst specimens that mankind had to offer. And she was sure that, if his crimes were revealed to her later, that she would only wish she'd made this death slower and more painful than it had been. The man responsible for all the carnage launched herself into the air, high above the carnage of her previous attacks. But the young Russian was ready for him, and as he clapped his hands like thunder, the lightning that arced towards Rakhana would be directed harmlessly around and away from her body by the plasma aura, which could deflect most energy based attacks but was especially proficient in stopping electricity-based offensives due to its natural Faraday cage-like properties. At the same time, the aim of her unsheathed Shiva, still extended in front of her despite all her previous evasions, was trained on him, and as he travelled up towards the crossbeams, she pulled the trigger, sending a round of pure plasma speeding directly towards the centre of his torso. No more watered-down warning shots - this one was playing to kill, it seemed, and so would she. The superheated "bullet" moved far faster than the speeds achieved by regular ammunition, and burned at several thousand degrees Celsius, at the same intense level as her plasma aura. It would almost certainly be lethal - if not an immediate killshot - if it connected in the manner she anticipated. It would also be incredibly difficult to dodge, given that he was airborne - Rakhana knew from personal experience how difficult it could be to change your position when you were flying through the air.