[center][color=aqua][h1]Alberich[/h1][/color][/center] [quote=Melisandre, Game of Thrones]For the night is dark and full of terrors.[/quote] [color=silver]It was long before the barbaric warrior had calmed his inner self. The man was a savage beast on the battlefield, a combatant that had waded through the rivers of blood. His large battleaxe was stained with a rainbow of blood, every speck a different color of blood that a foul creature had bled, yet the fighter didn't cease his advance to cleanse the bladed edge from the wickedness that had befouled it. It was death that the brute had sought, but each and every one he had fought would not bring him the peace of the afterlife, to be once more with his beloved and offspring. Therefore, the lowbrow guardian of Aeos fought, and he continued to fight until death claimed him or the quest he desired to fulfill was accomplished. Of course, there were others with Alberich. Others who were aspiring mercenaries, wishing to make some coin, perhaps to become the next hero. Others that were on the same quest of revenge as he was, desiring to take up arms against a monstrous being that had taken their joys and happiness. Some of them had wanted to take the adventure at a slower pace, yet Alberich refused to stop for a moment lest that second be lost to the Dark Lord. The man was steadfast in his goals, and it was evident in his actions. Alberich had a constant need to dirty his hands, killing anyone that dared to claim allegiance to the Dark Lord and then looting their bodies for materials to help the war effort. Arrows would go to the archers and hunters, crude blades and armor would be used by soldiers or returned to the villages to be reforged into anew - even provisions were stolen from corpses and devoured to fuel their bodies. Alberich had a vibrant hatred for the Dark Lord, and often his only friend was the despairing cloak he wore around him in the darkness. The fallen soldiers of the Dark Lord were refused the rest of a peaceful burial, instead speared on makeshift pikes and torched or fed to the hounds and beasts that wandered the lands of Aeos. Even those that the lumberjack had fought with were only given a small pyre, their bodies burnt lest they become one of the many dead raised by vile necromancers that fueled the Dark Lord's armies with cannon fodder. The assault on his village had left Alberich a shattered man, one to be looked down upon because of his misfortune. Not that Alberich minded the whispers and gossip that would circle him like a buzzard while passing through the countryside, as he knew he was nothing more than a husk of his old self. The tall giant wasn't one to deny the truth that the village peasants would mutter silently about the beast that only sought fulfillment vanquishing the Dark Lord until he had fallen on the battlefield. There was one, however, that would always have his back. One that Alberich found companionship in, although the woman was nothing like his dear Linde. The woman that followed him into the darkness was a warrior, one skilled in such matters as Alberich was. Kathryn was shorter than Alberich, yet they both had the same fiery spirit to trounce the Dark Lord's hordes that had brought the suffering of many. It was Kathryn that Alberich sought guidance from to keep him sane as a person, and it was also Kathryn that he felt the most comfortable with to share his inner thoughts that plagued his heart and mind. The companionship that others would not so easily give to a brute of a man was found within Kathryn, and Alberich would always hope that the woman would stick around for the long run. It seemed, for now, that she did decided to stay, and it was something that Alberich appreciated but refused to be known, lest Kathryn find out that the barbarian had a soft spot. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kRogeFLdOw[/youtube][/center] Resting comfortably against a tree and underneath the shade, Alberich was soon awoken by night terrors. They would come when Alberich had only wished a moment of peace during the storm, to regain his strength after it had been spent. The loss of his family and friends, even his home, would replay in his head each and every night. It brought sorrow to his eyes, yet Alberich knew it was only himself remembering the goal that he had set out for himself. To see the satisfying end of Trolgar would bring nothing but joy to Alberich, for then he would know that those that he had cherished would be avenged. It did, however, make Alberich wonder if he was truly any different than the Dark Lord himself and his peons. Both had sought death of one or more, and perhaps to even fashion the world in their own ways - one for the better and one for the worse. Regardless of the inner demons that haunted him, Alberich was now awake, albeit groggy. The lumberjack was curled underneath the giant cloak that he had called home far too many times, with the massive battleaxe laying against the tree beside him. A quick glance around the minor encampment had shown that it had not been disturbed through his sleep.[/color] [color=aqua][i]Kathryn must still be on watch,[/i][/color] [color=silver] Alberich had thought, his bones creaking as he stood from his sleeping position and approached his large pack. Digging deep inside, Alberich pulled a small container free and produced a few eggs and a haunch of raw venison. The coals were still glowing from the previous night's fire, and Alberich blew a mighty huff to ignite the fire once more before cracking the eggs and laying the meat into the frying pan to roast and cook for their breakfast. It was something simple to eat, a peasant or perhaps an adventurer's breakfast, yet it was what the duo could gather in these dark times. Food was beginning grow scarce the closer the realm of the Dark Lord had approached, and scavenging was nearly the only option left for those that hadn't fled the coming doom. Thankfully, both of them were skilled in surviving off the land, and thanks to the sacrifice of a deer and a few freshly laid bird eggs, they were able to continue fueling themselves and going on with their day. Once the eggs and vension were done, Alberich split them into two individual portions, and set out to find Kathryn after sheathing his battleaxe for his protection. There was no telling what beasts would assault him while trying to bring his companion her breakfast, and Alberich knew it was better to be safe than sorry. Looking around the forest as Alberich walked, it was obvious that Kathryn was nearby. To his left was a small river, and the startled mush of grass beneath him was a sure sign that Kathryn had found the water source. A few minutes walk from the river had led Alberich to Kathryn, and the lumberjack was genuinely concerned for his companion. They had only met not that long ago, yet during that time, Alberich was easily able to find out Kathryn's fear of water.[/color] [color=aqua][b]"I made breakfast. Was everything okay on your end? I noticed that you happened to stumble on the river back there."[/b][/color] [color=silver] Alberich asked, softer than his usual tone out of concern as he handed the woman her piece of the recently cooked meal and took a seat beside Kathryn to eat his meal with his companion.[/color] [hr] [center][@Remipa Awesome][/center]