Let's see, Swansong seems the obvious choice for lacking 2 members and as Annabelle herself would sell it "Tiger can be our fourth! Then we could even call ourselves STAG! Though Swansong is super classy and I'd really prefer to stick with that, I just don't want anyone to point out that we're like Team SAG or anything, that'd be embarrassing-" Though she would have a lot of fun with ODE (especially screwing with poor Oswald) and drag Emerald into her hair brained schemes. I get the impression Diamond would sooner or later kick her ass for her bullshit, but that would be hilarious, too. I think the deciding factor should be what team can deal with a member that will need a ton of work? It's only mentioned once on the CS that she has zero experience fighting actual Grimm. All that training has not prepared her for facing down something that very much wants to kill you more than anything else in the world. Whatever team gets her will have to pick up her slack when things get real. In light of all that, who still wants her?