[@BKburke][@Tickout][@Xandrya][@PlatinumSkink][@Dark Light][@Turbowraith][@Banana][@Silver Carrot] Little update for you all: Been busy the last few days so this post was delayed as a result... I've been waiting on everyone to get their post in, and 7/8 is pretty good. I'm sure there's a reason Turbo han't gotten back to me yet, probably just as busy as I am, if not more. Anyway, that's not the point of what I gotta say. I simply wanna let you all know that we'll be moving forward..... very soon. I'm not exactly sure when because I'm gonna be AFK most of this weekend due to Canada Day events/celebrations. Optimistically? It'll be up Sunday night. At the latest? Tuesday. So, we'll see you all soon, enjoy your weekends! Oh yeah, one last thing, I'm excited to announce that [@Simple Unicycle] will be joining us soon. Some of you might remember that he applied a long time ago, but wasn't able to join in due to irl issues. We've been talking over PM for a little bit, and I'm really excited to show you guys the little story we've been cooking up re: his introduction.