[color=00aeef][h2]Light[/h2] Interacting with: Sol Quill [@TechnoWizROK], Frank [@Simple Unicycle], Phoebe Wayne-Isley [@Caits], Deon Howlette [@YoshiSkittlez], and Megumi Takaki [@Scarifar][/color] Light was a bit nervous, looking over the fight. She had heard the fighting, but only now did she see it involved lots of tentacle plants. The other stuff wasn't as bad to her, but being bound? Yeah... Not something she enjoyed. Sol meanwhile seemed to be someone who liked fighting. Light herself wasn't against the idea, but usually she was only in it for the fun, and it was usually more fun to mess with her enemies instead of fighting them. After all, no one ever really fought seriously, otherwise bodies would be everywhere. Looking at the two girls piled over a guy, Light asked the two, mirroring Frank's words in her own way. [color=00aeef]"So, uh... Is this like some orgy sorta thing or whats going on here? The vines make it kinky."[/color] Usually a little humor diffused stuff like this, so maybe after a bit of talking Light could make a few more friends! Mr. Bigfoot didn't seem like he liked the group anyway, having gone his own way.