[@t2wave] [center] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/3f48290ad923d5d0948798cc8dbadfdb/tumblr_o7iy7hR2iG1tmkw3xo1_500.gif[/img] [h2] [color=magenta]Cole Morningstar[/color] [/h2] [/center] [hr] Cole blinked as the girl curtsied in return. In the two years he had been on the surface no woman knew the response. He gave a small smile. How odd a girl with purple hair knew how to respond to a kiss on the hand. His head tilted for a moment as he wondered why that was. Before Cole could say anything more his brow furrowed. That prickly feeling was back. It almost felt like insects were running around on his head. It paused then began again. With a look of puzzlement he ran his hand through his hair as if to dislodge the bothersome yet non existent insects. Soon the sensation stopped and cole nodded when she mouthed yes. [color=magenta]"Oh well should be interesting. Now I feel like I should learn sign"[/color] He blinked as she moved her hand. What was she asking....suddenly it all clicked. The prickly feeling and her blank look. He was unable to be affected by telepathy. That was interesting. [color=magenta]"Apparently not."[/color]