[centre] [b][h1][color=DarkSlateGray]Deon Howlette[/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/qcbx3pXUkJYwU/giphy.gif[/img] [color=darkslategray][h3]-Son of the Wolverine-[/h3][/color] Interacting with: Sol Quill [@TechnoWizROK], Frank Sage [@Simple Unicycle], Phoebe Wayne-Isley [@Caits], Megumi Takaki [@Scarifar] and Light [@Archmage MC] [/centre] [hr][hr] Things had seemed to turn on Deon, and rather quickly. One moment, she was kissing him and promising him a good time, and the next, the redhead was sprouting plants around him, keeping the bitch who had punched him safe. Tilting his head and squinting his eyes in confusion, he watched on as the plants finished developing, the girl with a powerful punch suddenly enamored with the deadly beauty by touching a possibly poisonous flower. He smirked at her expense, but gave his attention back to Phoebe. But before he could do or say anything, yet again another interruption kept him from scoring with the redhead or ending the bitch - both seemed like great possibilities, but the well-tailored man asking what was going on was really starting to kill his buzz. The man was accompanied by two others, a pretty boy with striking white hair that looked as though he might have wighed as much as one of Deon's legs, and a female (clearly alien) who got his attention by expressing her opinion of something kinky going on. He looked Light up and down appreciatively - though not at all human looking, she still had a nice figure and not at all unpleasant to look at. He gave her a wink. She had [i]no[/i] idea what kinky could be. [color=coral]”Kinky… ? The vines are there to prevent him tearing her throat out! I don’t know what orgies you’ve been apart off, but I imagine blood kinda kills the mood”[/color] He couldn't help it. A laugh came from Deon, somewhere deep within his chest. He was surrounded by idiots! This whole school was just turning out to be one big joke. How could his father stand to work here? It was clear that the old man was starting to show his age if he voluntarily gave up his time to be with these... children. He dropped his hands to his knees, his back hunching as he held himself up as he continued to laugh out loud. His eyes closed and he could feel the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. This was all just too much. It it hadn't been clear before, it was now more than ever - this definitely was not Stryker's island. Breathing out the last of his laugh, Deon managed to stand himself back up straight, using the top of his finger on his left hand to wipe the tears that had been pooling in his lower lid. Then, without a single shred of warning, the adamantium claws in his right hand shot out, the sound of metal scraping against metal chiming as they did and with one fellow swoop, Deon twisted his body, extending his arm out and sliced the plants that were supposedly keeping Megumi clean in half and in the blink of an eye, he brought his fist back, slicing it once more in an upwards diagonal, leaving his claws suspended in the air next to the side of her face, a hairs breadth distance. The plants stalled, and then piece by piece began to tumble down on each other, piling up on the ground. He may have gotten the tip of his middle claw a little too close to Megumi with his initial cut, but he couldn't be sure. Not like he cared anyway - what was a minor scratch when the bitch outright punched him in the face? [color=darkslategray]"Unless you want to find out just how much of a molester you think I am, I'd keep your pretty little face out of my way for a while. Got it?"[/color] Slowly, his claws retracted into his knuckles, the skin on the tops of his hands bulging slightly where the blades were cutting back into his bones until they were completely sheathed back into his forearm. He turned his attention, once more, back to Phoebe, and gave her a twisted sort of smile. [color=darkslategray]"Well it's been fun, red. Thanks for the kiss - it's not one I'll be forgetting any time soon. Just come and find me when you're ready for part two."[/color] Flashing her a wink, and his grin growing just a slight bit lighter, Deon smirked before turning, purposefully bumping his sturdy frame into Frank Sage as he took his leave. He couldn't go into the school yet, but there were plenty of other women on campus he could begin to manipulate.