[centre][b][h1][color=limegreen]Connor[/color][/h1][/b] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/5b4e626e50e279430935a4f364eeae03/tumblr_inline_mqstwlQ2Oe1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/centre] Connor neared the gates, still carrying his pack over one shoulder. He wasn’t fearful someone else would gain the suit- it was set for him and only him, but he still didn’t want it falling into others hands. The closer he got to the gates, the more noise he could hear as other students began to interact with one another. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this was much like the first day of highschool. And these students all had skills, abilities, and they all knew what had happened… and where they were going after this. Connor shook his head, ridding himself of these thoughts. This was different… he might be smart, and have abilities, but that wasn’t strange here… Which wasn’t to say he’d actually become friends with anyone here. Still, he’d try. He shifted his pack, wishing he was a little bit more impressive then he was, but he knew that that was just… nerves. He frowned at himself, shaking his head once more. What did he have to be nervous about? Strangely, Connor thought back on his very first solo flight… his father had laughed himself silly, and then helped him at least not end up upside down. And he smiled. That had been a lot of what Tony Stark had given his son, the ability to laugh at himself, and the confidence to keep on going even if he messed up. Shifted, he continued to walk, reaching the gates and entering the grounds, looking about, he studied the students already gathering in the front grounds. There seemed to be some commotion going on, but he supposed that was to be expected. Still, Connor watched, to make sure things weren’t about to get serious, before he moved a little further into the gates, noticing that there was a bit of a blockage, and he didn’t want to add to it. He glanced around for anyone to interact with that wasn’t already in a conversation, frowning slightly. No one really seemed to be alone… Connor’s gaze landed on two people entering the gates just behind him. They seemed to know each other already, and were quite comfortable. A couple, or siblings? Sometimes it was hard to tell. He paused a moment before approaching them. [color=limegreen]”Hi… Are you guys new here?”[/color] Right away, Connor realised his mistakes, and he scrambled to fix it, [color=limegreen]”Oh, I mean, we’re all new here… jeez”[/color] He ran a hand through his hair, embarrassed at his mistake. [color=limegreen]”This is why I wish I had a rewind button. Hi, I’m Connor”[/color]