[hr] So from where we had left off, John was left with the seductive elf-woman in the middle of the woods. John was not aiming his flashlight at the woman anymore, and she had began to open up. "Excuse me young man," she said, "I am travelling to the inn myself. I plan on dancing there for a little coin, hence my attire. Lust is the intention. You could ride up here on the bench if you like. You're probably a better shot with the crossbow than I am anyways." [color=lightblue]"Well, you're actually pretty near the tavern. All you have to do is go..."[/color] [color=f7941d][b]"What the absolute and utter hell is going on?! You organics are mentally ill!!!"[/b][/color] The space mech ([@Dealdric]) had finally noticed John, and he took his presence a [i]little too seriously[/i]. The mech was running right at him, and he was intent on disarming the young lad. The problem with the robot was that it was a [i]giant space mech[/i]. Sure, you'd get to soak up tons of physical damage, but stealth wouldn't be your forte. The mech's movements were highly audible. To top all of that, John's instincts were almost infallible. He would sense the mech's movements from far away, and he responded to them by turning his head away from the woman and towards the mech's direction. [color=lightblue]"...forwards. Happy travelling!"[/color] Not long after, the mech appeared, his metallic body illuminated by the woman's gas lamp. John had anticipated the mech's arrival, so he had prepared for the onslaught. As soon as the mech rose its arms to strike, John had rolled away from the wagon, thus displacing himself by a few meters. With John out of the way, the mech would come face-to-face with the woman's vardo wagon, which had moved behind John during their short conversation. Sure, he had the combat protocols, but his heavy frame would have produced lots of momentum, thus making it nearly impossible to halt his movements. Therefore, the mech's arm would strike the wagon, and it might as well trip over it. John, on the other hand, would have already exited the rolling position, and would be running towards the tavern. [color=lightblue]"Sorry 'bout that!"[/color] [@Assallya]