[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] The following days and weeks brought a sense of consistency to Elias' life that he hadn't felt in a long while. Ever since he had lost the only three constants in his life, Taric, hunting, and his brother Julian, his life had been a constant cacophony of darkness and self-loathing. Being able to spend the days with Alexis, someone who didn't bat an eye at his depressive mood swings, fits of bloodlust, and was able to relate with him about his frustration of not being able to hunt was... reassuring. The pair spent the early hours of the morning tending to the stables and engaging in peaceful activities, the afternoons training viciously, and the evenings by the fireside, snuggled in warm skins and wool blankets while they talked about their lives and played games. As the days turned to weeks, Elias' wounds slowly healed, faded into nothing more than slightly discolored blemishes on his skin. The healing salves that Marcus and Elinora's provided Elias helped speed the recovery process immensely, however they could not cure the guilt he felt whenever Alexis winced at the sudden sharp pains in her side. When the Broussard's came to visit, Elias immediately detected the change in his partner's demeanor. As she departed, Elias cleaned up their training area. The Grimm's had been kind enough to donate an extra storage house to the pair, allowing them to practice in relative privacy when they sparred. Elias returned the leather-bound wooden weapons they trained with to their mounted places on the walls, unwrapping the tightly bound cloth around his hands as he did so. Elias had learned much about Alexis' fighting style over the weeks; while Elias excelled at ranged combat and heavy weapons, his partner far surpassed him in up close and personal hand-to-hand combat. The hunter couldn't decide who was the superior fighter; each had their individual strengths. It merely depended on the circumstances to determine the victor. Once Elias had cleaned out the entire room, he walked out, visiting the stables to tend to the horses' needs before deciding to take a walk. Any distance he could make from the house was a good decision, judging by Alexis' expression. The Hunter wiped a towel across his forehead and tossing it onto a shelf in the stables as he headed out, rolling up his sleeves and allowing the wind to ruffle through his shirt, enjoying the cool weather. The trees provided peaceful shielding from the sun's rays, rustling their branches in the soft breeze. The sounds of nature brought a sense of peace to Elias as he roamed through the forest, pushing aside any memory of the Spriggan attack that attempted to spoil his happiness. Elias' happiness was spoiled when he heard a woman's voice call out to him, drawing his attention a little further down the path. [color=ed145b]"Pardon me!"[/color] A beautiful woman quickly moved towards him, raising a polite hand in greeting. As she approached, she smiled and composed herself, straightening his clothing and extending her hand for him to grasp. [color=ed145b]"You must be Elias. It's truly a pleasure to meet you. I am Amelia Broussard."[/color] Elias smiled warmly and took her hand, gently bringing it to his lips and placing a soft kiss on the top of her hand. While in the West, this was a highly uncommon greeting, saved only for the most respectful of greetings, Elias was fairly certain it was far more commonplace in the East. [color=royalblue]"It would appear you are aware of who I am, but not I you, my dear Miss Broussard."[/color] The Hunter straightened and gently released her hand, allowing his eyes to show a flicker of mirth within them as he stared at Amelia. [color=ed145b]"My apologies, I have seem to forgone a proper introduction!"[/color] Amelia gave a mirthful, flirtatious laugh and stepped closed, never breaking eye contact. [color=ed145b]"In these parts, most people tend to be aware of my family, and it is not often I come across a man from a place so... exotic."[/color] The woman's flirtatious vibe was clear as she swept her raven hair over her shoulder and fiddled with her loose locks, edging ever closer to the Grimm. [color=ed145b]"The Broussard family is one well known in the East. Me and my brother, Nathan, whom you must have met the night of the ball, are here to visit regarding you and Alexis' awful accident!"[/color] Elias raised his eyebrows and feigned a smile. [color=royalblue]"Well, it means a great deal to me, as I'm sure it does to Alexis as well, but I must assure you, we are fine."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Nonsense, you should be resting after such an ordeal. But, I suppose a quiet walk through the meadow would be good for your health. Come, join me."[/color] Amelia gave a light laugh and took his arm, guiding Elias along the path. The Grimm bit his lip as Amelia gently squeezed his upper arm, obviously enjoying the moment to be so close to him. While she was by all accounts being rather aggressive, Elias didn't mind the attention. He just had to be sure to monitor how close he let her get. [color=ed145b]So, tell me, my dear Elias, what brings you to this area of the country?"[/color] Amelia batted her eyes and smiled innocently, failing to disguise her prying intent. Before he could come up with a lie to feed to the woman, a voice called out to him. [color=f6989d]"Hello Elias!"[/color] Both Elias and Amelia looked over their shoulders, seeing Alexis approach with Nathan in tow. The desperate look in her eyes was clear, alerting him to her discontent. Elias smiled broadly and turned with Amelia to face the pair. [color=royalblue]"Greetings, Alexis,"[/color] Elias nodded his head in her partner's direction. [color=royalblue]"It's a pleasure to encounter you again, Nathan."[/color] The men shook hands, however Elias made sure that his grasp was firmer than Nathan's never breaking eye contact as Nathan's knuckles turned white as he failed to grip Elias' hand more firmly than the Grimm. As the pair released their hands, Elias turned gestured vaguely towards Amelia. [color=royalblue]"Amelia tells me that you are here to visit us regarding the attack. It means a great deal to both Alexis and I that you two would take the time to visit us, truly."[/color] Turning his head slightly so that Nathan and Amelia were unable to catch it, Elias winked at Alexis as he gave a mirthful smile, obviously enjoying himself.