[b][color=00a99d][h3]Lawan Somwan[/h3][/color][/b] While some other students may have found this day exciting, Lawan was among those that didn't. While she wasn't averse to fighting, Lawan had never liked the prospect of competing against other students for some vague reward, and so she never participated in these tournaments. The prizes did not interest her one bit either. She was going to watch, however, as although she didn't much enjoy the prospect, a few of her friends, Garth included, were participating, and so she felt compelled to support them at the very least. Otherwise, there was nothing to do but keep to her regular schedule and wait for all the excitement to blow over. [color=aba000][b]"In for another long period of sitting around watching the others have fun, are we?"[/b][/color] Pasak asked her as she sat on a nondescript bench. [b][color=00a99d]"Yes, Pasak."[/color][/b] She replied casually. [color=aba000][b]"But you're curious, surely? You want to know what it's like to beat down the others and hold the victors crown aloft. It wouldn't hurt to indulge yourself once. Why not give it a try?"[/b][/color] Lawan knew what was happening here; Pasak was always bored when she sat out of the tournaments, and he'd tried to convince her to participate last year too. [color=00a99d][b]"I'm not doing it."[/b][/color] She told him flatly. [color=aba000][b]"Bah. Suit yourself. I'll be departing for more interesting prospects then."[/b][/color] Pasak then vanished back to his tablet, leaving Lawan to sit in peace.