[h2][center]Kumozaki Keisuke[/center][/h2] It had been a few days since the initial Servant summoning, and the (relatively) young Enforcer was all the better for it. Though he was by no means as young as the rest of the motley crew that the Wizard Marshall had gathered up, that lack of "youth" was by no means any form of detriment to him. Rather, the fact that he had experience over his "companions" in this mess might even prove all the better... Considering the fact that everyone else was more or less a college student in terms of age, that might have been for the better. Well, the Servants aside, of course, though worrying about matters of age at this point in time was something of a moot point. Almost like how he had noticed that almost every other participant (Master or otherwise) was female. There was a crossing thought within Keisuke's mind here about if Zelretch had planned this from the start, but he brushed them off for the moment; male or female, a job was a job, and if that old man had chosen them, he probably had a damn good reason for doing so. Not that he didn't look upon the whole situation with a tinge of suspicion regardless, but details. "Hell, children of magi are a lot crazier than normal people their age; why am I even worrying about how they'll fare in an [i]actual[/i] danger zone?" Keisuke muttered out loud, leaning back against the wall of the room he was in. The blade in his hands quickly dissipated into nothingness as it returned to the form of a ring. The enemy he had been facing—a training dummy built of stone—was riddled with slash marks, and though the self-regeneration cast on the golem was repairing it, the damage done was clear. A simulation room. Yes, they actually had one (actually, more than one) here, and by [i]god[/i] were they useful. There had been talk on finalizing the preparations for the first mission they were to tackle, so while the other Masters did... Whatever the hell they were doing, he had spent a bit of time here instead. That wasn't to say he didn't spend time with his [i]own[/i] Servant, but... Well, with a job on the horizon practice was probably the ideal objective. Even with that in mind, it wasn't as if his Servant, Atalanta, was one he wanted to order around in any way; Independent Action in this mana-laden environment meant the best he could really do was suggest actions to take. For all he knew, she could be either as close as an adjacent room to the other side of the facility... [b][color=#C0C0C0]"Attention: All Masters and Servants, please report to the bottom floor for mission debriefing. The location transferal procedures have been completed, and the coordinates of your destination in time-space have been confirmed. I repeat, please..."[/color][/b] The mechanical voice caught Keisuke by surprise as he stepped outside of the room, brushing off his suit as he glanced at the speaker above-head. The timing for that announcement... Could have been better, admittedly, but it wasn't as if his practice had winded him in any way. Nothing more than a warm-up, really. [i]"Atalanta, you heard that, right?"[/i] he asked the Servant, briskly walking towards the nearest elevator. [i]"Meet up with me as soon as you can; looks like we have a job to handle."[/i] [@KoL] [hr] [h2][center]Ozymandias[/center][/h2] "Hmhm... Is that how my legacy is now? Not as the great pharaoh who kindly ruled his people with the grace of the gods, but instead as a foolish king who attempted to stop a 'savior'—my dear friend Moses—from escaping with his people? How disappointing. Hm... Yes, 'disappointing' is what I should call it, but even so..." With a quick 'snap' as the book in his left hand was clapped shut, the tanned Rider calmly placed the object of his ire back into its place on the bookshelf before turning around dramatically. "...Well, while I cannot say that I like how this era has come to paint me as a villain, I can at least laugh about how the times have changed. Like the food! Oh, how I wish I could share this food with Nefertari. A meal... Yes, that would do. King of Kings, Ozymandias, sharing a meal with his wife... What did they call them again? Photos? Yes, I would very much like to have one made, given the chance. The mage who brought me to this era from the Throne of Heroes... I wonder if I could convince him to let me see my wife, if only for so long." Though his monologue dipped into the territory of melancholic by its conclusion, Ozymandias' expression did not betray a hint of want nor greed; he and his wife had lived long and happy lives, and this dedication only served to showcase his bond through time immemorial to whoever might happen to be listening. ... Even if this [i]was[/i] the library. Petty rules be damned, he was a god among men, brought back from his role as the sun god Ra to deliver upon these unknowing people the salvation they so needed! Or, at least, that's what he was told. There was no way to verify those claims at the moment, and even he in all of his splendor could not see the future. That job was one for the magi in his court, not him. [b][color=#C0C0C0]"Attention: All Masters and Servants, please report to the bottom floor for mission debriefing. The location transferal procedures have been completed, and the coordinates of your destination in time-space have been confirmed. I repeat, please..."[/color][/b] "Annoying. The sound of that voice irritates me to no end. But a pharaoh honors his promises, and so I shall depart. It is time for a new chapter in history, one that I shall carve for myself!" With a boisterous smile, Ozymandias slammed the cane in his right hand onto the ground before promptly leaving the library, striding forth towards the nearest elevator. The ability to simply disappear and reappear did exist, but... Why would he miss the chance to continue presenting himself to those who roamed this dreary building's halls? There was no sun down here, after all, so he had an [i]obligation[/i] to be one for them. Now, though... it was more a question of where his [i]Master[/i] was than anything else. The Rider had lost track of the girl to which he was bound contractually ever since their last meal and had stepped into the library, but... Well, inquiring the location of that strange girl might be for the better, but she would probably make the first contact. Like a servant giving a report. Yes, that would do. [@Riegal]