[hider=Alice][img]http://i.imgur.com/5zN6qjl.png[/img] [b][color=2f4f4f]Name:[/color][/b] [i]Alice Mallory[/i] [b][color=2f4f4f]Age:[/color][/b] [i]How about 24 punches to the face?[/i] [b][color=2f4f4f]Backstory:[/color][/b] [i]Alice was an only child; left home at an early age and lived off the streets since. She first spent her time panhandling, living near other hobo groups. Begging for change near shops and sleeping near people in similar positions with their pets. She never amounted to much, but she did manage enough to get by. It wasn't until a small gang sprouted up that her life began to turn around. Being as young and cute as she was, she easily was able to join them. The gang became her new family; teaching her how to fight and pickpocket. Together, they claimed ownership of the town. She helped pull a number of heists. Sometimes as a distraction to the populace or local police, other times having an active hand in stealing or whatever odd job they had for her. They weren't big or had a single all-powerful leader, but they worked fast and efficient. They never had any trouble within their own city. It wasn't until they were expecting an outside gang to try to claim what was theirs that things started to become dicey. In a effort to settle things before they got out of hand, the two gangs met to voice their opinions on what they had to say. However, the police were quickly involved. She didn't know if it was a trap, or just a stroke of bad luck. Nor did she know who all was able to escape. Alice found herself an exit and began to move on from town to town, never looking back.[/i] [b][color=2f4f4f]Inventory:[/color][/b] [i]Bottle of water, pocket knife, sport wrap bandages.[/i] [b][color=2f4f4f]Intro/Sample Post:[/color][/b] [i]Alice had found herself entering a small mining village and found it quite nice. The people seemed somewhat easy- er, friendly, and just from overhearing the locals, there was supposedly a big score found inside the abandoned mansion. She didn't care for the requirements of the new moon; believing that if there was treasure then, there should be treasure now. But perhaps that is why she was able to catch wind of the legend quickly, before she was able to leave. Alice waited until dark, planning to take a small portion of the treasure before heading off to the next town. Take away the intensifying storm, the mansion appeared just as any other mansion. She quickly ran to one of the side windows; drenched in rain water and mud splashing about. A glance inside and she didn't see anything. Taking out her knife, she dug it into the wooden frame, loosening it from the sill before opening it with a small creak. Alice slithered in, setting the window back in place and putting away her knife. A sudden pair of footsteps close to her made her jerk around, but before her eyes could refocus; she was knocked out.[/i] [b][color=2f4f4f]Other:[/color][/b] [i]Anything not mentioned above.[/i][/hider]