[@ZeusTheMoose] Oscar turned when he heard his name being called. It was Sexton, in much better condition this week, probably due to having matches and promos to do now. There was nothing wrong with drinking on your time off. Oscar was a bit of a beer fan himself. He didn't even judge anyone for drug usage even though he'd never done that himself, but from when the came into the venue, to when they left, they ought to be clean, and professional at all times. Despite this, Oscar had a lot of respect for the fellow veteran. He was no slouch in the ring, and he might even surpass Oscar in the ability to cut a promo, work the crowd and make stars out of his opponents. 'Might' was the key word there. Oscar didn't like to stroke his own ego but knowing what you're great at is just as important as knowing what you're bad at in his opinion. [color=#cc00cc]"That's not my finisher,"[/color] he answered back, [color=#cc00cc]"though...I might start using it more. The knee drop fake-out's lost its heel heat. I would enjoy a match with you, though, when your program ends. Think of the promos! See you around, Sexton!"[/color] Oscar continued walking to nowhere in particular. It's as if he was patrolling the backstage area like a sheriff, making sure the superstars were all in line.