Kevin smiled. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t try them all. And don’t worry if there are leftovers. Nothing goes to waste.” Duncan looked over. “Either my staff enjoys - or they have friends at UNM. College students are always hungry. I certainly plan to sample most of them. Of course, I have the advantage of having tried most of these. Few new ones though, so I want to try those…” Jonna had been gushing over the mac and cheese selection. Then she scooped a forkful and offered it to him. He flushed slightly. But he couldn’t just leave her hanging there embarrassed either. So after a brief moment of indecision he leaned forward and accepted the bite. He practically inhaled it. “It is good,” Duncan nodded. “Really good. Kevin, those classes are helping. Trust me on that.” He looked at Jonna. “Kevins been taking culinary art classes with a friend of my Mom’s. He has all sorts of talents. Actually one of his best talents is tailoring.” Kaylee saw that as her way back into the conversation and gave a not so subtle smile. “Kevin’s mother ran a wedding apparel place.” Her smile faded as she continued. “He helped out there.” Her eyes took on a look of pain as she realized she had brought up a subject she probably shouldn’t. “Sorry about that Kevin. I wasn’t thinking.” Kevin smiled. “It’s alright. Kaylee…?” He nodded his head in a gesture that suggested they leave Duncan and Jonna some privacy. Kaylee sulked, but took the suggestion. But she couldn’t resist one more suggestion to Jonna. “Duncan has lots of brains too.” Duncan actually turned red as he knew exactly what Kaylee meant by that. Once the girl was gone he sighed. “Sorry about that. At least she isn’t as bad as my mother. I bet your Dad has similar sentiments. Come to think of it, I am I sure of it. He’s the one who mentioned you liked mac and cheese.” Duncan laughed a little. He reached out and grabbed a glass of grape juice and raised it. “To parents.” Duncan was quiet for a moment before speaking again. “You know, if that superdude guy is real, I am glad he is. If I ever get the chance I’ll have to thank him for the other day - in New Orleans. I am glad you are okay. Your mentor too. If you ever get the chance to interview the guy, make it a good interview. He seems to be just out there to help people. Not enough people like that as it is. “I try to help people. I always figured, what good is all this schooling I had if I don’t use it to make the world a better place?”