The heavy footfalls were the only warning the elven woman received and she turned to see the large dark form hurtling towards her and the wagon. Even before it it entered the lamp's circle of radiance she spied it's three green eyes, arranged in a small triangle before it moved into the light where she saw it's odd curvature, the abyssal black sheen of metal highlighted in crimson, and it's strange head which resembled nothing more than a long cylinder with a cowled carapace surrounding it. The thing was huge, a good thirty hands tall if she was to say so using her eyes alone! It was the size of an ogre! Clearly it was like nothing she had ever born witness to. The thing slammed into the wagon. She wasn't sure if it was attacking or had merely extended it's arm to stop its own incredible momentum but the wagon creaked under the stress, the springs meant to take it over roots and mountainous terrain protesting as they never had before as the entire boxy frame tilted over almost forty five degrees, sending several small boxes and a few cushions that were unsecured hurtling down to the forest floor. Assallya barely held on, clamping down on the brass rail she used to shimmy up and down the side of the wagon to the bench atop it. Then the wagon settled, bouncing and righting itself. Then the stupid nag that pulled the cart just turned its head backwards and put an eye to the happenings behind it. A fat lot of good that thing was. It had been walking along at a sedate pace and when the commotion occurred it had just stopped as if curious. Why couldn't the beast be more skittish! "Myrkul's balls," Assallya thought to herself in shock and then turned her attention to stopping the behemoth. Her black stained lips began uttering a short incantation, her fingers twisted in the air making fine loops and swirls. She needed the thing to stop and relax. Maybe she could talk to it. In either event, a simple spell of paralysis would work well. It wouldn't be able to speak but it would be able to hear and listen. She could always attempt to charm the figure later if it proved utterly unreasonable but she preferred it when people served her of their own free will. Who knew, this armoured being was powerful. They could be of great benefit to one another.