Sabine smiled in thanks and took a draught from the ale. She had gained a greater taste for alcoholic drinks over the years, though she did not drink often. Meesei's words still had her sip a little more than usual. "Hircine's hounds, Meesei," Fendros said through a hearty laugh. "I understand there is a predators pride in it, but must we devalue the achievement of besting a god? I think comparing ourselves to the Nerevarine is a sure way to never be satisfied." He brought a hand to his forehead and continued to laugh. "If you had told me ten years ago that we would be doing this, I would be convinced you had lost your mind." "We will be the greatest heroes to lycans, at least," Sabine said, passing the ale along. Her tone was grounded, though not quite cynical. "They will probably be the only ones that remember us."