[HIDER=Luca di Ventimiglia] [CENTER][IMG]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/26900000/LAVI-dgray-man-26914670-500-462.jpg[/IMG] [hider=Extra][IMG]http://static.zerochan.net/Lavi.full.2023057.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [B]Name:[/B] Luca di Ventimiglia Dantès [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Species:[/B] Human [B] Height: [/B] 179 cm (5'10½") [B]Weight:[/B] 68 kg (150 lbs) [B]Appearance:[/B] Luca is normally described as a tall young man with a lean yet well-built body and fairly handsome features. His skin seems to maintain a fairly light tone in despite of his years as an adventurer. He has crimson colored hairs that he normally doesn't bother with styling, favouring a messy style, and his sole visible eye is almond shaped and emerald colored, being slightly angled downwards, being often described as "droopy" - characteristics that would most certainly be shared by the other eye, albeit that is somehow uncertain due to the fact that Luca continuously make use of an eyepatch to cover his left eye. When dressing for adventuring, Luca seems to mostly use dark colours and is often seem wearing long sleeved jackets over his shirts, favours tight pants he tucks into his boots - mostly for his convenience, as his tools and weapons are mostly located in holsters fixed to his tights and waist - and uses an pity black leather eyepatch that "makes him look cooler". He is also often seem wearing scarfs and fingerless gloves, and is known for his love for earrings, having at least a dozen of pairs. He is also known for using bandanas when his hair starts to grow too long so it doesn't get in his way during fights. In casual situations, though, he seems to mostly favour clothing with a loose cut, barely fitting - the exact opposite of his excessively tight adventuring clothes - and pays little to no attention to his hairstyle and overall appearance, having a style that is often described as sloppy and disheveled by his acquaintances. [B]Devil Fruit: [/B][URL=onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Moa_Moa_no_Mi]Moa Moa no Mi[/URL] (More More Fruit) Luca is the current user of the more more fruit, that allows the user to amplify the size or speed of anything he touches. While he has been the user of this fruit for roughly three years, he's still far from being able to use this fruit in a fluid way, lacking the physical requirements to utilize it efficiently - specially those related to accelerating himself, as he lacks both: The durability (Guess what, super-speed punching a guy while having the body of a normal human surprisingly ends up with your arm breaking) and reaction speed to efficiently use acceleration without harming himself - and mostly uses this fruit as a way to accelerate his projectiles for a more efficient ranged fighting or enlarge his weapons while in the air, using their excessive weight to unleash brutal attacks. [B]Weapons: [URL=s3.narvii.com/image/s4rbb3ryhp47lfys6ivgrakl5uxmnqku_hq.jpg][U]Richiamo:[/U][/URL] [/B]A small black hammer made from an unknown, nigh indestructible material. This small tool is mostly used by Luca as a substitute for a chipping hammer, but is also capable of acting as quite the efficient weapon when combined to the powers of his devil fruit. [U]Throwing Knives:[/U] Luca often carries a set of throwing knives - numbering 12 in total - to use as projectiles. [U]Flintlock Pistol:[/U] The traditional weapon of a pirate cannon fodder, this time in the hands of an equally suicidal adventurer! [u]Hidden Weapons:[/u] As an specialist in getting himself in the weirdest situations, Luca has developed the habit of carrying multiple minor items that can be used as weaponry in his clothing, with an arsenal that varies from a thin knife hidden in the sole of his boot to needles wore under his gloves and daggers hidden in pockets sewn in the interior and sleeves of his jacket and shirt. [B]Abilities/Skills:[/B] [U]Versatile Fighter:[/U] Luca is what one would call a Jack of all trades when it comes to fighting: While he isn't specialized in any weapon and doesn't have any extensive training in any martial art, he's extremely adaptable and seems to be able to do a little of everything, having developed a fighting style that seems to be an utter mix of anything that he considers as useful. His techniques seem to be a chaotic mix that encompass things such as freestyle hand-to-hand combat, improvised blunt weapon wielding, relatively skilled use of throwing weapons and a decent marksmanship, all mixed together by using his natural talent and devil fruit to create an utterly unpredictable style that constantly change to add anything useful that he gathers during his traveling. [U]Knowledge Freak:[/U] Above anything else Luca is a seeker of knowledge, being obsessed with gathering interesting miscelaneous information from wherever he goes. His obsession goes the point of seeking to gather all the information he can access independently of the font, gathering things from books to transcriptions of poneglyphs be they fake or not - and insisting in memorizing anything he can't take. His knowledge seens to vary from insignificant things such as the ecology of specific islands from other blues to things thought to be forgotten, such as the knowledge about how to read poneglyphs - acquired from books that his grandfather "collected" before the fall of Ohara. [U]Photographic Memory:[/U] Luca seems to be able to perfectly remember every single piece of info ever gathered by himself, going to the extent of being able to narrate every single event since his sixth birthday with perfection - not like he would normally do that though. No need to say that this is pretty helpful for someone who has such a deep love for any form knowledge. [U]Survivalism Master:[/U] Due to his past experiences, Luca has a wide range of experience when it comes to surviving in harsh situations, being extremely capable when it comes to things such as foraging for food, creating improvised habits and even handling some basic carpentry. [U]Freak-ish Endurance:[/U] Through the many years of self-improving bordering obsession Luca has developed a ridiculously high tolerance to pain and an easily monstrous stamina - something that some of his enemies compared to the vitality of a cockroach, that simply doesn't die no matter how much effort you put into the task. [B]Background:[/B] Being the descendant of an infamous line of pirates would most certainly be quite the traumatizing experience for most of the normal kids: Desperately trying to leave their ancestor's shadows, fighting to get a reputation for themselves and desperately hoping to have their own name standing above the name of those who preceded them just so they could stop being judged by who their fathers and grandfathers were. The boy named Luca, though, never experienced such a situation in despite of being born under the household of one of the most well known corsairs to ever cross the grand line into the new world. Enrico di Ventimiglia was the name of the man known as the "Crimson Scholar", one of the original seven warlords of the seas and Luca's grandfather, a monster born in the now destroyed island of Ohara, known for his insatiable lust for both, blood and knowledge, Enrico was a man who wasn't above plundering whole islands in his search for what he called as "The Truth", the true history of the world recorded in the poneglyphs, a person so undeniably insane that even his own homeland shunned him as a madman, banishing him from ever stepping in the island again - a fairly useless effort, considering how he came back to the island a few years later accompanied by those who exterminated it, using his new identity as a warlord to plunder what he needed from the island before its destruction and then finally retiring from his position as a Shichibukai, moving to a island back in the West Blue and living his last years as a civilian, seemingly abandoning his obsession. How that fits in Luca's story, you ask? Easy: it was this notorious bloodline that gave him the opportunity of turning into the person he is now. While Luca himself was born a few years after his grandfather's fall, it was his grandfather's stash of exotic tomes and books that awakened the desire for knowledge inside the heart of the lonely child that lacked any company other than the books - with his father being a fairly occupied marine officer, his mother dying while he was still a baby and pretty much anyone else living in the same small city avoided befriending a child coming from such a dangerous family, even if they worked for him - giving birth to an insatiable thirsty for knowledge that would follow him for the rest of his life and pointed him to what would truly change his life: His grandfather's trials. He was already nearing his tenth year of life when he finally managed to make sense out of the first coded journal of his grandfather, and it was inside it that he found out about the trials: A bunch of challenges established by his late grandfather for those who wished to gather all of his knowledgebase, each requiring the complete mastery over the knowledge acquired by finishing the previous trial as well as a fair amount of physical fitness and instinct to be completed. The trials were, from that very moment, the sole objective of the boy's existence. For the following years, Luca wholeheartedly devoted his life to acquire all the knowledge hidden inside the layers of codes and puzzles that his grandfather's devised to protect his knowledge, sharpening his mind and training his body to pass through the trials created by his ancestor - that ranged from simple puzzles to true treasure hunts who made the boy go out adventuring through the wilderness of his home island - reaching the point of being a step away from completely unveiling the secrets of the warlord right before his sixteenth birthday, when he faced a difficult decision: The last trial that his grandfather made for those who wished to acquire his legacy was located in another island, one that was out of any maps and required the use of hidden information hidden in multiple of his grandfather's journals to locate. For a normal teenager, trying to do something as crazy as this would be most certainly an impossible feat, something that they'd at least prepare for a few years before trying... Unfortunately, Luca was anything but normal. The youth immediately decided to abandon all his life, all the commodities, In favour of the uncertain destiny that waited for him, stopping just to write a letter to his father communicating him about his decision of leaving the island before departing towards this adventure. For the following two years, he constantly fought not only to locate the island - a feat that took almost 6 months even for the freak-ish Luca - but also to complete the trials that waited him in the island, fighting to survive as strive for the compensation promised by his grandfather, before he finally reached the center of the island, acquiring the final tomes of his grandfather's journals and something that he would futurely come to rely on: A devil fruit carefully selected by his grandfather for his successor. The wish of his grandfather was more than clear then - He, as his successor, was supposed to complete his life goal of unraveling the true history of this world using any means at his disposal - but, unfortunately for the infamous corsair, Luca didn't care for such a stupid thing. The trials that were supposedly meant to awaken the desire for this information ended up awakening something that his grandfather never expected: The love for challenges and adventuring. While Luca did end up as someone who loved knowledge, what he truly wanted was the joy of surpassing himself, the satisfaction of finding new places: The life of an adventurer. For the following three years, the now adult Luca lived in the way he wished, thoroughly exploring the west blue in the search for new adventures to challenge himself, collecting even more knowledge - albeit mostly useless - in the process and earning a name for himself not as a pirate or a marine but as an adventurer, someone who did whatever he wished without caring for material gain or moral satisfaction: A person that, in his own odd way, is truly free. [/CENTER] [/hider]