[hider=Shipwright] [list][*]Name: Taimi Taitale [*]Gender: Female [*]Age: 12 [*]Height: 134cm [*]Weight: 33kg [*]Appearance: [url=http://sta.sh/025p9h7iptor]Something like this.[/url] [*]Devil Fruit: N/A [*]Abilities: [list][*][i]Super-Genius[/i]: A prodigy when it comes to science and engineering, Taimi is capable of producing almost unbelievable results even with limited or unconventional materials. She has little problem grasping new scientific concepts and can easily read through complicated manuals, blueprints and documents that many would assume would be far above a girl of her age, and it doesn't take her very long to figure out how to use newly encountered machines and technology. [*][i]Shipwright[/i]: Maintaining and repairing ships are things Taimi would find incredibly easy, especially since she seems to like drawing up wild designs for the ship of her dreams in her spare time. Now if only she had the time, money and materials to make it happen... [*][i]M-A-R-K[/i]: [b]M[/b]echanical [b]A[/b]ssisted [b]'R[/b]ecking [b]K[/b]it! Due to her age and size, Taimi isn't exactly well suited towards going toe-to-toe with enemies (even those without superpowers bestowed by magical fruits), Taimi has modified a reclaimed barrel to not only keep her safe when a fight breaks out but to also help her carry heavy loads and work on larger projects. In essence, it is just a barrel filled with levers and buttons, and sporting a set of bolted-on arms and legs (Taimi keeps meaning to install a canopy, but for now her head just pokes out the top). Whilst she's constantly coming up with ideas on how to improve M-A-R-K, for the time being the only "weapons" it possesses are the arms, which (as one would expect from a mecha, even a rather small one such as this) are exceptionally strong and allow her to not only lug about heavy materials but punch enemies [i]really hard.[/i] The speed and maneuverability still require a bit of work, however, as the current M-A-R-K is rather slow and ponderous.[/list] [*]Background: To Taimi, the likes of Gold Roger, Monkey D. Luffy and Blackbeard are little more than tales she read about in books. She was simply born too late to witness such titans of piracy herself, to a mother who unfortunately passed away early in her life and a father who went a bit... [i]Eccentric[/i] afterwards. Driven mad by grief, the formerly esteemed scientist Daedalus Taitale lost himself in his work, his experiments and designs becoming crazier and more extreme with each passing year. Despite his growing insanity, however, he still cared deeply for his daughter, who only saw his peculiarities as something endearing even as he was kindly asked to move his lab to a somewhat more remote island. Unfortunately, this only led to his experiments growing even more absurd, eventually resulting in a freak accident ending his life and leaving Taimi all alone with just her father's books and notes and the occasional travellers from the nearby larger island he'd been exiled from. And like father, like daughter, she went a bit... [i]Eccentric.[/i] She'd always shown understanding beyond her age for her father's work, but something about the madness made it so much easier to work with. And in her mind, new, more ambitious and brilliant ideas began to spin themselves into being, ones that if she had the proper funding for would no doubt completely change the world and show everyone who called her father a madman how wrong they were. But of course, there weren't many ways for a pre-teen girl to acquire the necessary funds, and so her mind turned to piracy. After all, pirates were all like that Luffy guy she'd heard about, and he seemed pretty cool, right? And if the legends were true and the One Piece [i]really[/i] existed, that would provide more than enough treasure to fund her dream project...[/list] [/hider]