There's been a lot race realism drama online recently, that I've been observing. Several youtubers making videos of such. And one thing that I see being talked about is the race bell curve and genetics in intelligence. That testing was done by comparing entire countries...war torn countries in Africa vs wealthy places of other countries and tried to make it about the race, and not about the poverty. But the same races had 12-17 point deviations on IQ, when comparing rich and poor. And also, one I can personally attest to myself. Anxiety can wildly vary the IQ score as well. Though again, it's not 100% proven either way. It seems pretty clear this is an environmental/poverty issue. And is not connected to genetics. And the IQ test as it is, isn't a wholly accurate measurement of IQ in the first place. [@Dynamo Frokane] You know what, this happened forever ago, but I take it back. Stefan Molyneux is fucked in the head. [youtube][/youtube] (Not a perfect video by all means. (and long as fuck.) But I'd encourage to watch it. Since it's on race realism. (for the most part.) [youtube][/youtube] [@Andreyich] I'd encourage you watch both of these, when you have nothing else to do. Because the first one is a bit boring, not going to lie. But I feel like since you do follow some of that train of thought, it may be helpful.