[hider=Astartes Apothecary][b]Name[/b]: Nergüi 'Boraunegen' [b]Appearance[/b]: Like all Astartes, Nergüi is of superhuman proportions, his height, weight and muscle-mass far outdoing that of even the largest Guardsman as he towers above them being nearly eight feet tall in height due to his power armour. His face, the only part of his body commonly seen, is hard and expressionless with the outward appearance of an elderly man with his long grey hair cut and tied into a nomadic top-knot, his facial hair the thin moustache and wispy goatee commonly seen among the White Scars set against tanned flesh, bearing ritually made scars below his eyes and across his cheeks . The almond-shaped eyes of a deep hazel colour, stuck in dark eye-sockets are what makes people realise how much he has seen and how much he knows, holding both wisdom and a look of violence within them. [b] Age[/b]: 275 [b]Sex[/b]: M [b]Class[/b]: Deathwatch (White Scars) Apothecary ([i]Emchi[/i]) [b] Equipment[/b]: [list] [*] A suit of archaic and battered but slightly modified Mark VI “Corvus” armour, painted in the traditional black colours of the Deathwatch, taken from a predecessor of the pre-heresy White Scars and gifted to the current Chapter. The suit has been modified to include the mandatory silver shoulder pad of the Watch, Helix shapes against a white background adorn the armour at several points as do eagles, the right shoulder-guard retaining the yellow lightning bolt-on-red and stark white of his Chapter. [*] Diagnostor Helmet - The helmet is shaped in the conventional form of a beaked Mark VI helm, yet contains upgraded Auto-senses and readouts to assist with their charge of treating the injured and maintaining their Battle-Brothers’ ( and any others) physical combat readiness. [*]Narthecium - The tool of an Apothecary’s trade, a Narthecium contains implements specially designed for Space Marine physiology and for performing first aid without having to remove the patient’s Power Armour. It also comprises various counterseptics, skin patches, transfusions and other compounds engineered for the Space Marines’ physiology, and several stasis tubes for storing recovered gene-seed. [*]Reductor - Retrieval and storage of a fallen Battle-Brother’s gene-seed is so critical that Apothecaries carry a special tool for this operation. While a Reductor is not required for Progenoid removal, it significantly reduces the time. This surgical implement fastens under the wrist. It includes a monomolecular saw for penetrating Power Armour and Ossmodula-enhanced rib cages, and a diamantine-tipped extractor drill. [*] Mk III Pattern bolt pistol [*] Power-sabre – A power weapon utilising a curved blade, shaped after the traditional sabres wielded by the steppe nomads of Chogoris. It is rarely used, as he is an Apothecary after all, but when it is it is put to death-dealing with a deadly effect. [*]One Frag and one Krak grenade [/list] [b]Notable Deeds[/b]: [list] [*][b]The Diata Purge[/b]: Under the direction of Kyublai Khan, Nergüi joined the campaign with the rest of his Chapter against various Chaos Renegades; he saved many of his Brothers during the bloodshed, as well as some from the allied Marauders Chapter. Great deeds were done during this hunt, though not glorious ones by this Apothecary. [*][b]Battle for Grase Mesa[/b]: Nergüi was part of the Land Speeder mounted cadre that took the fight to the Eldar of Yme-Loc, joining his brethren in their flanking attacks on the lithe xenos, personally accounting for over a dozen Eldar scalps and heads. [*][b]Third War for Armageddon[/b]: Everyone knows about this war, and there are so many tales of daring do that it would be impossible to tell them all here. Needless to say, Apothecary Nergüi of the Firefist Brotherhood (2nd Company) impressed someone with extreme authority, an Inquisitor no less, and it was requested that he be seconded to the Deathwatch of the Ordo Xenos – an honour he could not refuse. [*][b]Classified[/b]: Ever since 'taking the black', his pure white going to the deep dark of his adopted 'Chapter', the tasks and deeds that this Apothecary has performed, the biological agents he has worked with, and the operations he has conducted are classified – only those with the highest authority able to know even a fraction of what he has been through.[/list][/hider]