[@Silvan Haven] [@Lyla] [@CoyoteLovely] [@Lmpkio] [@t2wave] Fionn had decided that the group should approach the ruins from the Wesville side. This rag tag band would stop here to get some info from an Oracle. As much as TC preferred the sights and sounds of a big city like New Bastion, the first city didn't claim to have an oracle, and if it did TC didn't know where to find it. Elise and Scarlett had lead a stray back to camp. TC had joked that if they fed it, it would keep coming back. The joke was quickly redirected towards his expense and how much of the deer he had put away. Skank didn't seem to like the Sphinx, but they may have been the fact that part of it was the biggest cat she had ever seen. Either way she kept her distance. TC was still not sure how he felt about the sphinx named Shiluuki, the creature was so alien to him. TC could not get a read on the beast, but it seemed far more intelligent than his usual bag of tricks. TC rode Skank right past Nak, talking over his shoulder as he went, "[color=00a651]Don't feel special sweetheart, I'm sure some Hedge Wizards rode into town on a stranger steed. I heard of an Elementalist that use to ride inside a Gelatinous Cube from town to town. Your gonna get some stares, but you just tell em, "Ey you pork-pegging peasent fuck, get outta here, fuggit about it.""[/color] TC rode up to Fionn,[color=00a651]" Anywheres you want us to meet boss? After yous find your fortune cookie?" I think I'll head to the herbalist, see what swill I can swindle from that mudhut."[/color]