Lets see here...those three potions are kept in the storage room. She knew exactly where to find them too. "Okay, so fire proofing, elasticizing, and absorption proofing. Wait right here. I just have to go get them". She stated as she ran off into the back room. This part of the shop is closed off from the public. With as many expensive potions they sell, they keep them here while putting the cheaper potions on display. Eventually, Tiffany stood in from to of a fifteen foot tall mahogany bookcase with shelves upon shelves of labelled and sealed potions. Lucky for her, the potions she needed were on the lower shelves where she could reach. So as she began to gather the three potions, the house cat was toying with one of the potions at the very top. It's claw sunk into the cork and pulled it out with a pop. When it realized there was liquid inside, it jerked away, letting the contents spill out over the side. Tiff heard the sound and curiously looked up only to recieve a face full of liquid. "AHH!!" the startled girl shrieked as she backed up and rammed into the book see behind her. Several dozen bottles toppled over and shattered on the ground, coating the poor girl with several different potions. "Oh no..." A moment of two after the sound of breaking glass rung through the house, Tiffany stepped back out into the front with the three potions...except her head was glowing a blindingly bright pink, and she seemed even shorter than before. Deer antlers were sprouting from her head, her hair reached down to the floor, feathers were growing from her arms, and it seemed like she was getting ready to float away. She did her best to keep herself anchored. When she opened her mouth, bubbles started to come out. "One fire proofing potion, one elasticizing potion, and one absorption proofing potion" she said in a very deep man's voice. "That will be thirty gold pieces. Would you like a Magic Pop for just two gold pieces more?" The little witch winced as she saw some of the bubbles float into the boy's face.