[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ffeBWYD.jpg[/img][/center] The red-haired huntress nodded. It wasn't really hard seeing that Lauren was a bright person. Lauren's mother treasured Lauren. And it was something Sangue would have expected from the parent of a good and cheerful person who treasured people. The first time Sangue met Lauren, she never thought they would get along. Almost everything about them were different, from their personalities and hobbies. But Lauren approached her with open arms and let Sangue inch towards her, getting to know of what kind of person she was. Even now she continues to learn things of her team member- her friend. It also wasn't hard to see that her family loved her very much. It wasn't a sight she got to see every day, but perhaps it was something she wouldn't mind seeing any time. Especially with how her father just swooped right in and got straight to the point. She bowed politely at Lauren's father. Sangue remained silent as she stared at him. [sub][@Plank Sinatra][@Krayzikk][@Kaithas][/sub]