Cyrdic pressed his blade to his throat a bit harder for a moment, then withdrew his broadsword and sheathed it. He'd already begun walking downstream. "Gilbrecht, hail the [i]Pride[/i] and get this man onboard. We'll go ahead." The Ostland soldier didn't look back as he spoke. Gilbrecht shook his head. "If you think I'm going to just follow-" "Do it [b]now[/b]," Cyrdic said, turning to him. His voice was commanding and confident. He'd spent three years ordering footsoldiers about, and he knew how to keep someone from arguing when need be. That, and his rugged, Ostland 'brutishness' gave him quite the intimidating look when he needed to present himself as such. Gilbrecht glowered, and cast a look at Camilla, before nodding. Skaldi snorted, and hefted his shield and Cleaver. "I sense no danger, manling. Not that it'd stop you, nor me," he said to Cyrdic. "Been too long since I wielded a weapon. Me ancestors must be spittin' on me," he intoned. Ivan gave a hearty laugh, seemingly overjoyed at their continuing the mission. He gravitated toward Camilla, his huge paunch almost hitting her quite a few times as they moved forward, following the river. It was not long before they heard voices up ahead, and the companions had slipped into the treeline to get a better look without announcing their arrival. A tall, haggard pirate stood next to three long boats, barking at the remaining brigands who had fled back to their landing. Behind them was the river, the Talabec flowing as it always did to the west, though over a bend in the river, they could make out masts and a looming hill made of stone. A cove? They needed to get to the longboats, but the brigands could easily cast off without a fight if they presented themselves. "Ve need bait," Ivan whispered (if he called that a whisper) and Skaldi looked at Camilla. She was far too legsy and boney for him, but he'd been around humans enough to know they thought she'd be attractive. "C-...Vivvienne, we'll find a different way. If we rush them, we can grab the boats." Cyrdic said, reluctant to volunteer his companion into danger. [@Penny]