[hider=Doctor] Name: Galen X. Jones Gender: Male Age: 19 Species: Human Height: 5’9” Weight: 160 pounds Appearance: Jones has black hair, blue eyes, and white skin. He wears a white doctor’s jacket (because he can), but it usually isn’t buttoned and he has a blue t-shirt on underneath. Jones also wears shorts and a plain pair of shoes. He also wears a brown fedora (which always seems to come back to him no matter what happens) and usually has his duffel bag filled with medical tools and other items near him in case something happens. Devil Fruit(if any): None (calling dibs on the Mera Mera no Mi for later though :-P) Weapons: Various medical equipment and improvised tools he uses as medical equipment, if that counts. I guess he could stab someone with his scalpel or something. He also some ingredients that he uses in his treatments along with miscellaneous items that he keeps around in a duffel bag “just in case.” Strangely enough, “just in case” usually ends up happening. Skills: Medicine: Jones is a self-taught doctor. His medical techniques aren’t always conventional and can result in pain for the patient, but they usually end up alive at the end. Improvising: living on a remote island and having to teach himself medicine really gave Jones a talent for creating solutions with whatever was around. This extends to creating medicine, knowledge of plants, and so on. Background: Jones grew up in a small town on a small island in East Blue. It wasn’t the wealthiest of places, but the people there were happy. It was pretty far away from the main hubs of East Blue, so not many people went there. This was fine for the residents until the island’s doctor passed away; now they were without convenient medical care and the islanders were too poor to pay high wages to attract another doctor to their town. Sailing to a place with medical care usually wasn’t an issue, until one day Galen’s little brother got stricken by a terrible disease. By the time his parents were able to bring him to a doctor, he had already died. Galen was angry that he was unable to do anything about it and felt like he needed to do something, anything that he could. He decided on that day to teach himself medicine so that nobody else would suffer the fate his brother did. Being 13, it never occurred to him that this might be hard or that he might not be able to do it. Instead, using the books and tools left behind by the old doctor, Jones taught himself medicine. Some of his techniques are less than conventional, but he usually gets good results. He probably would have lived out his days as the island’s doctor if not for a certain incident. One day, a notorious pirate crew sailed into the town. They were seriously weakened from a battle they had fought with the government, so the village could’ve fought them off, but they weren’t there for plunder: the captain’s son was seriously ill. Jones could have refused them medical care since they were pirates, but after some thinking and introspection, he felt like he couldn’t do that. They also offered him a pretty good payment for this treatment, which helped influence his decision as well. Let’s just say there’s a reason the new medical clinic on the island was built shortly after that. Of course, after this Galen could no longer live a simple life, so he took up piracy almost by default. Doctors are usually in demand, so even without too much skill in combat he had no trouble finding different crews to join. Even so, he has yet to find the one crew he feels like he could stay with for the long term. He knows that he enjoys helping people and wants to become a great doctor, but unlike many pirates Jones doesn’t quite know what else he should do with his life right now. [/hider]