[h1][center][b][u]The World as We Know It[/u][/b][/center][/h1] [center][[b]Turn 3[/b] -- July, 1899 to September, 1899.][/center] [center][hider=Great Power Privilege (1899)] 1. [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] - None 2. [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] - None 3. [b][color=beige]Empire of Tara[/color][/b] - None 4. [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color] - Increased [b]Die Roll[/b] of [b]Action[/b] by 1 ([i]October, 1899[/i])[/b][/hider] [hider=Rules to Know] - 1. For your [b]Political Clout[/b] actions to take effect, you must post IC. - 2. Whomever posts first has precedence. [Example: Nation A declares war on Nation B. Nation C signs Defensive Alliance with Nation B. If Nation A posts first, this means Nation C cannot effectively sign said alliance and be 'called to arms.' - 3. Once your orders are sent, they cannot be altered or canceled. - 4. [b]Declaring War[/b] without an [b]Event[/b] or [b]Cassus belli[/b] incurs -2 Stability.][/hider][/center] [hider=Game Mechanics] I. [b]Clout[/b] 1. A [b]Turn[/b] represents 3 months (Jan-March, April-June, July-September, October-December) 2. Every [b]Turn[/b] a nation has [b]4 Clout[/b]. 3. Clout can be used on the following: - [b][color=green]Colonization / Imperialization[/color][/b]: Advance your culture in the world. - [b][color=yellow]Economics[/color][/b]: Strengthen your own industry. - [b][color=blue]Politics[/color][/b]: Pass laws, appoint ministers, generals, admirals and stabilize the government. - [b][color=red]Army [or] Navy[/color][/b]: Bolster a section of your armed forces. - [b][color=gray]Foreign Affairs[/color][/b]: The pen is mightier than the sword. - [b]Home Front[/b]: Listen to the people, or shut them up. 4. So at the start of a turn, you select where you'd like to spend your political clout. - If you spend 1 Clout on a single action, you roll 1d6. - If you spend 2 Clout on a single action, you roll 1d6 and receive a +1 on that roll. - If you spend 3 Clout on a single action, you roll 1d6, receive +2 you lose 1 Stability. 5. If you get a [b]7[/b] you may choose either a [b]Major Success[/b] or an [b]Innovation[/b]. Results occur on a 1d6. 1 is an abysmal failure and 6 is a resounding success. 6. When you use Clout, give an example of what you're hoping to accomplish. (IE: Foreign Affairs: hope to achieve an alliance with Nation X, or Colonization: Set up a minor colony in Settumu.) II. [b]Great Power Status[/b] [list][*]There are [b]5 Great Powers[/b] in [b]The World as We Know It[/b]. [Every 10,000 Active Duty soldiers = 1 Point] + [Number Pre-Dreadnoughts multiplied by 25] + [-1 Point for every $1,000,000 of Debt.] + [1 Point for every 1,000,000 Population] + [Number of Colonies multiplied by 20] + [1 Point for every Infrastructure]. [b][u]Great Powers[/u][/b] 1. [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] = [Army = 58 Points] + [2 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 50 Points] + [Zero Debt] + [71,000,000 Population = 71 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [69 Infrastructure] = [b]248 Prestige[/b]. 2. [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] = [Army = 38 Points] + [0 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 0 Points] + [Zero Debt] + [91,000,000 Population = 91 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [42 Infrastructure] = [b]363 Points[/b]* (*+192 for [b]Wolfram Prestige[/b]. -1/Month). 3. [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] = [Army = 75 Points] + [0 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 0 Points] + [-17 for -$17,400,000] + [64,600,000 Population = 64 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [52 Infrastructure] = [b]174 Points[/b] 4. [b][color=lightgreen]Imperium of Hiron[/color][/b] = [Army = 13 Points] + [4 Pre-Dreadnoughts = 100 Points] + [Zero Debt] + [54,600,000 Population = 54 Points] + [0 Colonies] + [77 Infrastructure] = [b]144 Points[/b]* (*[b]Non-Continental[/b] -100) [*][b]Great Power Privileges[/b]: Once per Year, a Great Power may use one of the following: - May call a [b]Conference[/b] for other nations to attend. - Increase Stability by 1. - Increase any die roll by 1 [Before it's rolled]. (Can be used to achieve an [b]Innovation[/b] or [b]Major Success[/b]). - Increase/Decrease Relations by 1 with a non-Great Power nation. - [b]Mobilize[/b] or [b]Demobilize[/b] without the use [b]1 Clout[/b].[/list] III. [b]Designing Weapons of War[/b] [list][*]During the game, a nation may require new weapons of war. They may do this by using [b]1 Clout[/b] to [b]Request a Design Competition[/b]. [Only 1 Clout can be used]. [*][b][u]Request a Design Competition[/u][/b] [Only 1 Clout can be used]. * Please use the [b]Following Form[/b]: - [b]Type of Weapon[/b]: [Rifle], [Machine Gun], [Field Gun] [Naval Ship (Specify Class)] - [b]Companies Involved[/b]: [Name of Company] [Skill of Category], [etc, etc] - [b]Design Requests[/b]: [What general specifications are hoped to gain with this design] [*][b]Design Process[/b]: - After you submit a Design process. 1d12 is rolled for a "Prototype Design" to emerge. This is added to the Company's [b]Skill[/b] and Private Companies will submit always theirs 2 months faster. - Each design will be randomly named and have an approximated design strength of 1 to 6 + [Skill of the Company] - If you select the [b]Design[/b] of a Company who developed a [b]Weapon[/b] initially higher than their Skill, they will gain +1 Skill.[/list] IV. [b]Building a Fleet[/b] [list][*][b]Design a Ship[/b] (Use the following form below) [Requires 1 Clout] [hider=Minelayer Designs][/hider] [hider=Destroyer Designs] - [b]Name of Destroyer Class[/b]: [Name Here] - [b]Intended Ships in Class[/b]: [Ship 1 Name Here], [Ship 2 Name Here], [etc] fdgdfgdfgdfg [/hider] [hider=Submarine Designs][/hider] [hider=Light Cruiser Designs][/hider] [hider=Armored Cruiser Designs][/hider] [hider=Pre-Dreadnought Designs][/hider] [/list] [list][*][b]Maintaining Fleets & Colonial Possessions[/b] - Every Ship has a [b]Tonnage[/b] listing. - Every [b]Overseas Possession[/b] requires X amount of [b]Tonnage[/b] on Station or it's shipping and citizens will be unprotected. Ending a turn without necessary Tonnage will incur a [b]Monetary Penalty[/b] of $500,000 for every [b]1,000 Tonnage[/b] missing. - Every [b]Overseas Possession[/b] can station 2,500 tons of ships there. This is assumed to be ships that are refueling at neutral or friendly sites. - Tonnage beyond 2,500 is required via [b]Naval Bases[/b]. - [b]Naval Bases[/b] are built using [b]Naval Clout[/b] and can support 1,000 Tons per 1d6 Rolled. It costs $200,000/Turn for 1d6 turns to build a Naval Base. - [b]Ships[/b] with [b]Cramped[/b] Accommodations lose -2% Morale per Season that they are on an Overseas Station. - [b]Ships[/b] with [b]Normal[/b] Accommodations lose -1% Morale per Season that they are on an Overseas Station.[/list] V. [b]Mobilization[/b] [list][*]There are three stages: [b]Demobilized[/b], [b]Partial Mobilization[/b] and [b]Full Mobilization[/b]. [*][b]1 Political Clout[/b] in [b]Army[/b] must be used to move from [[b]Demobilized[/b]] to either of the two forms of Mobilization as well going from [b]Mobilized[/b] to [b]Demobilized[/b]. [*][b]Demobilized[/b] is a state where your Active Duty and Reservists are at their local garrisons distributed throughout the nation. In this state, you may only control your Active Duty soldiers. You may not give orders to Reservists. [*][b]Partial Mobilization[/b] calls up your Active Duty soldiers into a coherent force. They receive a bonus to military operations and you may give orders to Reservists. [*][b]Full Mobilization[/b] calls up your Reservists, turning them into Active Duty soldiers.[/list] VI. [b]Civilian Industry[/b] [list][*]Each Civilian Industry is listed in the following way: [i]Name of the Company[/i] [Skill of the Company], ([i]Category of the Company[/i]) and [Status of the Company] - [b]Example[/b]: [i]Imperial & Royal Railways[/i] [1] ([i]Railways[/i]) [Nationalized] [*]An Industry can only build the units of the category it's in. [*]Civilian industries are either [b]Private[/b] or [b]Nationalized[/b]. [*][b]Private Industries[/b] generate work based on requirement. - Every Turn, your Private Industries roll 1d10, subtract the [b]Global Economy Roll[/b] and perform according to that number. [*][b]National Industries[/b] generate work when ordered to. [*][b]Civilian Categories[/b]: [Shipping] [Heavy Industry] [Rail][/list] VII. [b]Armaments Industry[/b] [list][*]Each Armaments Industry is listed in the following way: [i]Name of the Company[/i] [Skill of the Company], ([i]Category of the Company[/i]) and [Status of the Company] - [b]Example[/b]: [i]Guntherson & Co[/i] [1] ([i]Small Arms[/i]) [Nationalized] [*]An Industry can only build the units of the category it's in. [*]Armaments industries are either [b]Private[/b] or [b]Nationalized[/b]. [*][b]Private[/b] Companies fulfill Production Orders using [b]Economic Clout[/b]. - [color=0054a6][b]Creating a Private Company[/b][/color]: Every turn, roll 1d100 then subtract [b]Global Economy Roll[/b] and 1 for every [b][color=red]-$500,000[/color][/b] debt you have. Once you accumulate 400 points, you may spend [b]1 Clout[/b] to generate a [b]Private Company[/b] based on demand or spend [b]2 Clout[/b] to pick the starting category and Skill 2. - They receive a +5% Production Bonus based on their Skill. - They receive a +/-10% Production Penalty based on the [b]Global Economy Roll[/b]. - When they fulfill an order, there is a 1d20 chance of their skill increasing on a roll of 12+ with [b]Skill[/b] and [b]Global Economy Modifiers[/b]. On a roll of 18-20, a [b]Private[/b] company will add an additional Category to its repertoire. [*][b]Nationalized[/b] Companies fulfill Production Orders using [b]Economic Clout[/b]. - [b][color=red]Creating a National Company[/color][/b]: Spend $7,500,000. Begins Skill 1. May pick the category. - They receive 0% Production Bonus based on their Skill. - They receive +/-5% Production Bonus based on the [b]Global Economy Roll[/b]. - When they fulfill an order, there is a 1d20 chance of their skill increasing on a roll of 16+ with [b]Skill[/b] and [b]Global Economy Modifiers[/b]. - To add an additional category to it's repertoire is [$X0,000,000 with X being the current Skill of the company.] - To add a Skill level to the company is [X,000,000+$10,000,000 with X being the current Skill of the company.] [*][b]Armaments Categories[/b]: [Small Arms] [Field Guns] [Machine guns*] * Requires that [b]Technology[/b] or an [b]Export License[/b].[/list][/hider] [hider=Current Wars] 1. [b]Wauwanti War[/b] ([i][color=beige]Empire of Tara[/color][/i] vs [i]Wauwanti Empire[/i]) 2. [b]Zello-Osladian War[/b] ([color=pink][i]Kingdom of Zellonia[/i][/color] vs [i][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/i], [i][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/i]) 3. [b]Karumi War of Aggression[/b] ([i]Tsardom of Karum[/i] vs [i]Principality of Serona[/i])[/hider] [hider=Army War Form] Please fill out and submit this form at the beginning of every [b][u]Month[/u][/b], if at war. [h2]Army War Form[/h2] 1. Once war is announced, so will the [b]Fronts[/b]. A front is where your soldiers oppose enemy soldiers. Fronts may be opened or closed depending on events/actions. Please fill out and submit this form at the beginning of every [b][u]Month[/u][/b], if at war. [code][b][Name of Front Here][/b] [list][*][b]Name of Army[/b] [list][*]Name, Rank and Age of Commanding Officer [list][*]Description of Commander Officer [*]Preferred Tactics & Strategies of Commanding Officer [*]Weaknesses of Commanding Officer[/list][*][Name of Division #1 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #2 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #3 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #4 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #5 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #6 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #7 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][etc][/list][/list] [b]Garrison Duty[/b] ([i]These will be deployed in strategically important areas to protect from naval invasion and internal sabotage[/i]) [list][*][b]Name of Army[/b] [list][*]Name of Commanding Officer [list][*]Preferred Tactics & Strategies of Commanding Officer [*]Weaknesses of Commanding Officer[/list][*][Name of Division #1 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #2 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #3 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #4 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #5 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #6 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #7 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][etc][/list][/list] [b]Colonial Garrison[/b] ([i]These will be deployed in your colonies to protect from naval invasion and internal sabotage[/i]) [list][*][b]Name of Army[/b] [list][*]Name of Commanding Officer [list][*]Preferred Tactics & Strategies of Commanding Officer [*]Weaknesses of Commanding Officer[/list][*][Name of Division #1 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #2 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #3 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #4 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #5 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #6 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][Name of Division #7 of Army Here] - [Men in Division] - [Equipment in Division] [*][etc][/list][/list][/code][/hider] [hider=Naval War Form] [h2]Naval War Form[/h2] - [b]Locations[/b]: [i]Osladian Inland Sea, Tarantese Sea, Western Continental Sea, Hironese Sea, Southern Settumu Sea, Great Serranthian Sea, the Bridge Sea[/i] - Add as many [b]Location[/b] listing as ships that you wish to be present in that region. [code][b][u][Location Here][/u][/b] - [b]Active Fleet[/b] ([i]Ships engaged in seeking out enemy combatant ships[/i]) * [Ship Name 1 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Ship Name 2 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Ship Name 3 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] - [b]Commerce Raiding[/b] ([i]Ships engaged in rooting out and sinking merchant ships[/i]) * [Ship Name 1 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Ship Name 2 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Ship Name 3 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] - [b]Convoy Escort[/b] ([i]Ships engaged in protecting merchant and transport ships[/i]) * [Ship Name 1 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Ship Name 2 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Ship Name 3 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] - [b]Submarines[/b] ([i]Submersibles engaged in attacking enemy shipping[/i]) * [Submarine Name 1 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Submarine Name 1 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class] * [Submarine Name 1 Here] [Ship Type] [Ship-class][/code] [hr] [b][u]Example[/u][/b] [b][color=crimson]Empire of Mille-Sessau[/color][/b] [list][*][b][u]Tarantese Sea[/u][/b] [b]Active Fleet[/b] [list][*][i]Massim[/i] [Pre-Dreadnought] [Savieux-class (1894)][/list][b]Commerce Raiding[/b] [list][*][i]Taveau[/i] [Light Cruiser] [Taveau-class (1899)][/list][/list] [/hider] [h2][u][b]October[/b][/u][/h2] [b][u]October 1st[/u][/b] [i]Operation Sa-To[/i] finishes in the [b][color=lightgreen]Imperium of Hiron[/color][/b]. Operators of the Hironese security agency return from deep within Meung, the Continental colonies and the less reputable Warlord settlements. Sa-To's strategic objectives were met with resounding success. [[b]Event[/b]: Please see PM entitled [i]Operation Sa-To[/i]] [b][u]October 2nd[/u][/b] The Radenan Navy goes on maneuvers, though they are limited in scope as the Radenan Navy is a bureaucratic and underfunded mess. A destroyer [i]Idrik[/i], is lost during maneuvers when her boilers foul completely. Instead of towing her back, her sailors simply disembark and give a half handed salute from aboard a neighboring ship. The gunnery practice they receive is mediocre at best. [[b]Event[/b]:[b] [color=blue]Tsardom of Radena[/color][/b] gains +6% [b]Training[/b], -1 Destroyer] [b][u]October 3rd[/u][/b] The [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] appoints Renzi Luchi Carrano to the post of [b]Minister of the Navy[/b]. Carrano, a former captain turned politician of sorts, understands the power of a well funded Imperial Navy. His first act as Naval Minister is a charismatic open letter to the Imperial Diet, pleading for additional shells and fuel. [b][u]October 4th[/u][/b] The [b][color=pink]Zellonian Royal Army[/color][/b] enacts [i]Operation Redoubt[/i], following the complete mobilization of their troops. With the weather cooling rapidly, the Zellonian troops understand that time is on their side. [b][u]October 5th[/u][/b] The first hostilities of the [b]Karumi War[/b] break out as 150,000 Karumi soldiers pour over the border into Serona, lighting the sky up in an orange and purple haze of continuous artillery fire. Within hours the first Seronan refugee enters Itherae. [b][u]October 6th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]The [b][color=pink]Zellonian 3rd Army[/color][/b] begins [i]Operation Redoubt[/i], an intrinsic blanketing of their coastlines with entrenched soldiers. From there, soldiers could smell the ocean just a hundred yards out to the beach. These men, cozy in their warm winter jackets, are cheerful about this new display of Zellonian power, but many wonder when they will go on the offensive. In the [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b], the [b]Voskreya Army Group North[/b] under General Fyodor Antonov begins the final preparations for an invasion of the Zellonian mainland. 100,000 men with 100 field guns begin loading up into slow moving barges, the likes of which could be sunk with a single torpedo.[/hider] The [b][color=darkblue]Tsardom of Radena[/color][/b] orders it's design bureaus to find a replacement for their ailing, 1888 model rifle. Those two companies interested are [b]Yevstingey International[/b], a fledgling small arms company that drew the attention of Tsar Pyotr II and [b]Suchkov Rifles[/b], the original pioneer of the Tsardom's current rifle. The specifications are simple. They want a rifle that is simple and easy to use. [b][u]October 7th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]Men of the [b]23rd Infantry Division[/b] and [b]24th Infantry Division[/b] in the [color=lightblue][b]Kalpian Republic[/b][/color] enter landing craft devised to be tugged behind some of their destroyers for a quick insertion. Within hours, the men are ordered back out of the landing craft.[/hider] In the [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b], Count Rusak and Tyro-Redanian Imperial Ambassador Edgar Bain meet. Bain promises their neutrality in a war that is potentially turning against the Oslads, while Rusak more carefully navigates the conversation and promises huge victories in the coming future, a feat that impresses Bain. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=green]Osladian Empire[/color][/b] has +1 Relations with [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b]] [b][u]October 8th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]Elements of the [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republican Navy[/color][/b] go on maneuvers outside of Liubeth. The admiralty wishes for it's sailors night fighting and gunnery training training to come up to Continental standards. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republican Navy[/color][/b] gains +4% Training.][/hider] News hits the Continental stage from the [b]Kalpian Free Press[/b] that an arms deal has just been concluded between the [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] and the [b]Republic of Serona[/b], a target of the belligerent [b]Tsardom of Karum[/b]. This front page story alleges that the Kalpians are selling over 50,000 KR.99 rifles and a hundred 77mm field guns. Protests start up in Liubeth, Karp and Tarist, with one such movement leader citing: "Self-determination is not a business opportunity!" [[b]Event[/b]: The [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] loses [b]1 Stability[/b]. The [b][color=skyblue]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] sells 57,200 KR.99 rifles and 100 R98 7.7cm Field Guns to the [b]Republic of Serona[/b] for +$1,837,000.] [b][u]October 9th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]The [b]Voskreya Army Group North[/b], encompassing 100,000 soldiers of the [b][color=green]Osladian Imperial Army[/color][/b] disembark from Voskreya and head out past the Western Reaches. Without a single military escort, 20 plus freighters and barges sulk out into the Western Sea. A pair of Osladian riflemen sharing a cigarette above deck both lament at the possibility of a Zellonian commerce raider coming across them in the open waters.[/hider] The [b][color=purple]Tyro-Antarian Empire[/color][/b] begins [i]Operation Flintlock[/i], inserting tactical intelligence operatives into the neighboring Survian Republic under Monarch Louis Castignon and the Kingdom of Thecia. [b][u]October 10th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War] The first snowfall of the year in Zellonia begins, after eight hours, a total of two inches.[/hider] In the [b][color=yellow]Republic of Itherae[/color][/b], the [b]Minister of Economics[/b] Menoeceus Zacharias finalizes the [i]Zacharias-Puthia Agreement[/i] with the [b]Survian Republic[/b]. Itherae, who has held claims to the [i]Northwestern Highlands[/i] in Serranthia since 1717 but no plans (or capabilities) to colonize it, sell the land to the [b]Survian Republic[/b], dutifully negotiated by Foreign Minister José Puthia for a sum of $62,000,000. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=yellow]Republic of Itherae[/color][/b] gains +$62,000,000.] [b][u]October 11th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War] Observers in Nervinton spot the incoming ships of the [b]Voskreya Army Group North[/b] at 1107 hours. Present is but a paltry garrison of 375 reservists. They're mobilized, grabbing their Z.88 rifles, what ammunition they can and rushing to defensive positions on the edge of town. They watch with apprehension as the barges disembark 100,000 troops onto the beaches. A pair of runners are dispatched to Vorl, taking horses to hopefully reach the Zellonian Army there by the next day.[/hider] The [b][color=lightgreen]Imperium of Hiron[/color][/b] sends a request to [b]Imperial Arms[/b] for a new rifle specification. The [b]Imperial Arms[/b] bureau promises a protyotype to be delivered in around a years time. [b][u]October 12th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BKs7Tx3.png[/img] [i]Zello-Osladian War, 1899[/i][/center] Runners from the Nervinton Garrison reach the entrenched soldiers of the [b]8th Army Group[/b]. General George Harrington of the [b][color=pink]8th Army Group[/color][/b] immediately requests a dispatch sent to Zeel for a request of the [b]Memoital Volunteer Corps[/b], as well as orders to move.[/hider] In the [b][color=brown]Grand Kingdom of Meung[/color][/b], Crown Prince Hu Shihuang immediately orders that the dysfunctional and largely inept postal delivery system be destroyed and reformed. While he and his Ministers Council implore that this decision will ensure the lives of everyday citizens will be improved, the genuine cause for this is to ensure that a functional military infrastructure for transporting orders between the districts is in place. Slated to take nearly 2 years, after it's completed, much of coastal Meung will be linked by "Postal Roads," which are hastily drawn but easily navigable tracts of land. [b][u]October 13th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War] The [b]Voskreya Army Group North[/b] continues unloading. Without proper infrastructure to land, and barely the logistics to maintain such an enormous landing itself, casualties abound. By the evening of the 13th, the first elements of the [b]77th Infantry Division[/b] under General Johann Lyonov enter the city of Nervinton where the Garrison there immediately surrenders. The [b]Voskreya Army Group North[/b] establishes a defensive perimeter encompassing the city of Nervinton. The soldiery present have rations enough to last the rest of the month.[/hider] To pull attention away from the pending military trial of Commander Droulez, a parade of some considerable prestige in the [b][color=lavender]Empire of Violette][/color][/b] is held. Per usual, thousands turn out from all over the country to get a glimpse of marching soldiers of the Gendarmerie and the monarch and her carriage. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=lavender]Empire of Violette[/color][/b] gains [b]1 Stability[/b]] [b][u]October 14th-27th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]Soldiers of the [b]Voskreya Army Group North[/b] spill out into Nervinton. 100,000 men strong, Osladian commanders--of which this is their first war time command--have difficulties in managing logistics with limited supply, as well as the lack of a coherent command structure. The [i]Razing of Nervinton[/i] is a murky affair with with no easy blame to place. The number of buildings burned, destroyed, razed and looted is in the hundreds. Two officers allegedly make a game out of bayoneting civilians, racing to see who can be the first to a hundred. In a near two week span, nearly 10,000 Zellonian civilians are wounded, maimed or killed. Objections to such abhorrent behavior are issued by the [b]Marnish Kingdom[/b] in the North.[/hider] [b][u]October 28th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]With the Western half of Zellonia wide open, many soldiers of the [b]Voskreya Army Group North[/b] wonder aloud why no further deployment is issued. Elements of the [b][color=pink]Zellonian Royal Army[/color][/b] are finally moved into action, while the Zellonian General Staff finally deciding to make a move. The [b]8th Army[/b] (50,000 men/60 Field Guns) under General George Harrington are given the following orders: "[i]Await for the 1st and 3rd Armies before converging on Nervinton[/i]." The [b]1st Army[/b] (50,000 men/40 Field Guns) under General Brian Gavinson are given the following orders: [i]"Maintain defensive perimeter around the capital of Zeel."[/i] The [b]6th Army[/b] (40,000 men/40 Field Guns) under General Kenway Hawthone are given the following orders: "[i]Move to reinforce the 8th Army near Vorl.[/i]" They begin moving out immediately toward the [b]8th Army[/b] at Vorl. [/hider] The [b][color=lavender]Veletian Gendarmerie[/color][/b] undergoes yearly renovations, with new gear being sent in large quantities. This overhaul is absolutely crucial for ensuring the primacy of a standing force comparable only to the Kalpian Republics. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=lavender]Veletian Gendarmerie[/color][/b] gains +12% [b]Supply & Logistics[/b]] [b][u]October 29th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]The [b]Memoital Volunteer Corps[/b] are ordered to active duty. Mobilized under General Lloyd Crowder, a rugged and former soldier of the Memoital Kingdom's Army ([i]MKA[/i]), he taked commander of eleven Memoital coastal freighters and orchestrates the transportation f the [b]Memoital I Corps[/b] attached to the [b]Zellonian 6th Army[/b]. By the end of the night, the 6,500 man strong force reaches the shores of Vorl. [/hider] The [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] finishes a production run of 16,000 Mawka II bolt action rifles. [[b]Event[/b]: [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] gains +16% [b]Supply & Logistics[/b]] [b][u]October 30th[/u][/b] [hider=Zello-Osladian War]The [b]Memoital I Corp[/b] begins marching ahead to the city of Kreogen, without orders from 6th Army. General Crowder's force numbers 6,500 men with Z.88 bolt action rifles. Horse drawn Zellonian field guns exist in a single 12-gun battery.[/hider] The [b][color=purple]Tyro-Redanian Empire[/color][/b] finishes a production run of 600 Prager M1899 machine guns. The [b][color=yellow]Republic of Itherae[/color][/b] issues the [b]Freemen's Edict[/b], which allows any man who is willing a spot in the [b]Seronan Volunteer Corps[/b]. Over 28,000 men sign up and by the end of the month are headed out--on foot--to Serona for training and outfitting. While it may not be Itherae's war, she was going to try and fight it. [b][u]October 31st[/u][/b] The [b][color=lightgreen]Imperium of Hiron[/color][/b] officially lays down the keels of three pre-dreadnoughts, the [i]Asai, Furu[/i] and [i]Eiyuu[/i]. They are slated to be completed in approximately fifteen months. [center][End of [u]October[/u]][/center]