[color=blue]"I'm not worried. I'm sure you guys will have a good visit. I'll give you as much privacy as I can."[/color] Roxy didn't know that Jess was tapped into her buried emotions. She would figure it out eventually. But for now it was better that she didn't know. She tried to bury her emotional for a reason. Knowing that a stranger had access to them, even if only slight, would piss her off. She shifted from the wall distracting herself from the uncomfortable conversation. She knew she had to adjust to Jess' presence in her life. But she didn't know how. She had never had to check with someone before doing something. She had been doing what she wanted when she wanted since she escaped. She had no idea how to start. Not that she had anyone to bring over or activities that required other people. She was a loner and would probably always would be.