[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mhsgMGt.png[/img][/center] Location: Room 8 -> Hallway -> Pool Eliza steps out of the shower, steam from the hot water lingering in the air. Much like a hotel room, there were towels stocked on the nearby racks. She grabs two rolls and proceeds to wrap one in her hair and the other around her body. Exiting the bathroom, Eliza sighs in relief as all the tense muscles from the tests relax from the shower. An announcement rings from the intercom mentioning more new people joining them. She then sat on the bed to wait for her hair to dry and turned on the TV, immediately going to the news channel. On the news was a coverage of Nyko Corporation's newest business venture. As they were talking, Eliza's face scrunched up. [i][color=f6989d]"I guess sis has her eye on bigger things now." [/color][/i] She gripped the remote in her hand as her sister's face popped up on the screen. "Nyko Corp. is taking a leap into another industry after acquiring a pharmaceutical company based in NY. This doesn't come as a surprise as Nyko Corp is a top leader in real estate, software, hotels, and hospitals. Many wonder why the sudden venture into the medicene & drugs industry. Nyko Crop's newest CEO is set to clarify this decision later in the week at a press conference." The newscaster then moves on to yet another coverage about how technology is destroying society. Eliza turns off the TV and tosses the remote on the bed. [color=f6989d]"Just another thing to rub in my face..."[/color] Eliza sighs and heads over to the closet to pick out something to wear. She thinks back to earlier when her trainer mentions about the "atrocities" committed by her family. Looking back at it, all the "business ventures" were just another way to control what goes on in NY. Evicting poverty stricken families from their homes to build condos instead and increasing the health bills and denying care to those that can't afford it at their private owned hospitals. But now they had their hand in medicine and drugs. Who knows what they could do with that kind of power. Ever since she left New York she had become much more aware of the corruption set on by her family. It hadn't hit her until the trainer's rant. [color=f6989d]"Oh shit, I guess this is what guilt feels like." [/color] Eliza says aloud to herself. She then notices a small desk with a pen and notepad. [i][color=f6989d] "I guess I can try to get on his good side and write an...apology letter?" [/color][/i] Eliza walks over to the desk and picks up the pen. In that instant an insane jolt in her head hit her. It felt like something was trying to escape her brain. It caused her to grip the pen even tighter as she fell to her knees wincing in the sudden feeling. When she opened her mouth to scream for help nothing but gibberish escaped from it. When she tried to open her eyes, it felt like something was keeping them shut. Her mind seemed to be pulling towards the pen that was gripped in her hand. For a moment it felt like she wasn't even in her body. No drug or sex could even come close to this out of body experience. It took all of the effort she had to release the pen from her grip. Once of pen was out of her hand her eyes shot open and heavy gasps of air filled her lungs. [color=f6989d]"W-whaaa da fffuuc!" [/color] Eliza shouted as she crawls away from the pen. A hand falls onto her forehead as she tries to go over what just happened. Was it a stroke? Was the water bottle from earlier actually drugged? She gets up from the floor and tries to manage words but they come out slurred. [color=f6989d]"Gots toooo ffffine the othhhersss" [/color] Eliza managed as she goes to run out the door. Once in the hallway however, she notices that she is wearing only the towel that is wrapped around her. [color=f6989d]"O ffffuuuc" [/color] She bolts back into her room and quickly throws on [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d5/09/7a/d5097a050ccf5cb6198896a1a4494e9f--bat-girl-adrianne-ho.jpg]whatever[/url]. Before heading back out the door. She heads to the pool area where she heard the voices of the others that had gathered there. Eliza frantically runs in shouting, [color=f6989d]"I think I just got drug!"[/color] The words were finally coming out more clear. Grammatically incorrect, but more clear But before she could celebrate that, the water trick coming out of the pool stopped her in her tracks. Not only that, but Bailey and a new guy were in what seemed to be an argument. With Bailey shouting out that he had made the new guy numb. But Eliza couldn't care less about that, her eyes were glued to the double helix made of water and the only thought that could come to her was whether or not she was still "drugged". She gripped the wall closest to her and tried to keep her balance as her knees were feeling weak from shock. [color=f6989d] "Wha-?"[/color] Was all she could manage to say. -- [@Ornatur][@Jinxer][@Aquanthe][@HecateProxy]