"Huh? Where'd that trawler come from? I didn't see it dock," Derkins muttered, wiping his brow with the back of his soot-covered hand. It was too damn hot today. "No clue," Marlo shrugged. "Last I looked there were only two ships docked here." Grumbling beneath his breath, Derkins sauntered across the harbor for a closer inspection. Nothing seemed particularly odd or out of place about the modest ship, besides it being here. It had already been secured to the pier, and appeared to be vacant. Scratching at his matted hair, he glanced back to his fellow dockworker. "Maybe we oughta take a closer look. Whaddya think?" Marlo didn't respond. Instead, his eyes were now directed out to sea. When Derkins traced his gaze, it became apparent why. "...Bellamy's bloody shit, that's a jolly roger!" In the distance it was clear to see: A sloop, about a mile out, flying the skull and crossbones proudly atop its central mast. It was heading right for them, and within minutes it would reach the docks. "We've gotta warn the town! Come on, Marlo!" [hr] Curtis had inherited the Smokey Saddle from his father, just as he had from his father before him. The tavern had been in their family for generations, serving as the small town of Boaduor's most popular establishment. Now it served as the most popular place to establish a barricade against pirates. Dozens of townfolk had retreated inside and had moved every table and chair they could get their hands on to block both the front and back doors. Curtis still didn't like their chances. While it was a sturdy building, it sure as hell hadn't been made to endure pirate raids. "Oi, can I get some more rib roast here?" the woman eating at the bar called out, drawing an irritated glance from Curtis. She'd shown up here an hour ago, and had already eaten her way through about twenty people's worth of food. Where was she even putting it all? Judging by her cherry red locks and pale complexion, she was from Belessia, an island not too far from here. And for whatever reason, though, she was wearing a red scarf around her neck despite it being hot as the hells outside. She also apparently didn't care that they were [i]being raided by pirates!![/i] "Don't you think we've got [i]bigger[/i] priorities, miss?" Curtis pointedly asked. "No," she replied. "Cause I'm still hungry." ...If she wasn't such a looker, he'd slug her one.