[h3]Bethany Fridumar[/h3] Whew! Bethany sighed in satisfaction as she removed the last batch of cookies from the oven. She'd been baking all day, just to make sure there were enough for everyone... And she'd had to make more than usual thanks to her Servant. She'd honestly been surprised that she had managed to pull [i]Saber[/i] of all classes. The fact that her Saber was not only King Arthur himself, but also King Arthur [i]her[/i]self was even more of a surprise really, but she wasn't too phased by it. After all, Arturia (she refused to just call her "Saber", since that was just her class name and really she'd rather be friends with her Servant than treat her like some kind of tool) was a wonderful young woman, polite and well-mannered, and... And to be honest, exceptionally pretty. That was the first thing that ran through her mind when she summoned her really, how pretty her Servant was. It was to the point that she kept half-forgetting that she was supposed to be a legendary hero. What really surprised her, however, was Arturia's appetite. The first thing Bethany did after they had introduced each other... Well, the [i]first[/i] thing she'd done was insist that Arturia call her "Bethany" rather than "Master". From someone like Arturia, "Master" just sounded so... So... Aaaah, her cheeks turned red just thinking about it and that wouldn't do at all! But after that, she'd decided to cook a meal for her. It had always been her plan no matter what Servant she had drawn, really, to help strengthen their bonds and really to just start off on the right foot, and since Arturia was [i]the[/i] King Arthur she figured something British was in order. So her first day with the Servant was spent preparing a good old Sunday roast; crowned with a succulent, juicy rolled sirloin joint, the flesh so pink and soft that each bite seemed to melt in the mouth, surrounded by golden Yorkshire puddings that were nice and crispy on the outside but so wonderfully fluffy on the inside... Added to that, some baby carrots roasted in honey, their stickiness glistening as they were layed next to pillowy mounds of mashed potato, and to top it all off a rich, thick gravy... She'd worried a bit that she'd overdone it, but Arturia seemed fine with it. In fact, she ate enough to feed an army, something that confused Bethany greatly. After all, the two of them were around the same height, but Arturia was... Was a lot slimmer, to put it simply, and yet with the amount she ate... Maybe it was a Servant thing? They needed a lot of mana, after all, so maybe that was how they acquired it? The fact that her Servant seemed to work a bit... [i]Differently[/i] from others was a bit less confounding, really. But it seemed as though she couldn't dismiss Arturia into her spiritual form, which led to the problem of what she was going to wear when she wasn't in battle; after all, the armour wasn't exactly practical for everyday life. And despite being the same height as her, it was clear that her clothes would probably be a bit baggy on the Servant, especially in the chest and hip departments. They eventually figured something out, but still, it was a bit concerning for a while. And so here she was, a few days later, baking cookies. She'd never really made such a large amount of cookies before, but she knew she had to compensate a bit for Arturia's appetite. Besides, if she [i]really[/i] wanted to open a bakery she'd probably have to get used to making such large batches, so Arturia really was a boon to her. "Arturia! The cookies are ready!" She called on her Servant as she hung up her apron for the time being, before placing some of the cooler cookies on a plate. "Want to try th-" She was cut off as the call to action came. Aw, and she was so looking forward to Arturia's reactions! She was clearly going to be so cute as she practically inhaled her cookies... Sighing again, this time in slight exasperation, she began to bag the rest of the cookies. [hr] [h3]Berserker - Frankenstein's Monster[/h3] For a "Berserker", she had seemed oddly quiet. Some would have went as far to say she was acting rather shy, but that would have just been ridiculous, right? But there she was, sitting quietly in the corner of the room, breaking another Berserker stereotype by how engrossed she'd been whilst reading. Her Master, this Yumi girl, had come off as rather abrasive, but two points made Berserker tolerate her: she was nowhere near as bad as her creator in that department, and she had books. Lots and lots of books. It seemed so many had been written since she'd last been around, and whilst the first thing she looked up was her old favourite, [i]Paradise Lost[/i], after quickly rereading that she had moved onto other, more modern tales. Whilst there seemed to be so many different genres now, she had found herself almost instinctively drawn to the fantasy and science fiction genres, reading tales of hobbits and dragons, boy wizards, sentient automata, great ships that sailed the stars themselves rather than the seas... She also read something by a woman named Shelley. She didn't like that one very much. And currently... Well, after that one, Yumi had shoved a more lighthearted book into her hands whilst in a huff about how "mopey" her Servant was. Whilst she enjoyed this current book, she didn't quite understand the main characters' obsessions with tea and towels. She emphasized somewhat with the mechanical man, though. As the call rang out, she quietly closed the book whilst silently pondering the significance of the number forty-two. Yumi was being so serious right now, though and she knew she'd call her "stupid" for asking about such a thing, so she kept her lips shut. Her Master could be rather inconsiderate at times, really, especially when Berserker was just trying to save electricity. Did she not realize that energy was a precious resource? That wasting even a tiny amount was akin to atrocity? Once more, she kept quiet about this, since her Master... She didn't seem to understand. She was like all the rest of them, really. Humans were so inconsiderate, so selfish... Stiffly, she got to her feet, and in silence followed closely after Yumi. Almost [i]too[/i] close, really. "Personal space" seemed to be a concept Berserker had difficulty grasping, really. [@VitaVitaAR]